2015 Medjugorje Youth Festival Day 2 Testimonies from Craig Lodge and Mary's Meals. The first testimony is by Calum & Mary Anne MacFarlane-Barrow sharing the story of Craig Lodge. Going on pilgrimage …More
2015 Medjugorje Youth Festival Day 2 Testimonies from Craig Lodge and Mary's Meals.

The first testimony is by Calum & Mary Anne MacFarlane-Barrow sharing the story of Craig Lodge. Going on pilgrimage to Medjugorje in the early ‘80s led them to turn their guest house into a retreat centre. Craig Lodge became a House of Prayer and home to a community of families and young people who endeavour to live the messages of Our Lady at Medjugorje.
You can find out more at www.craiglodge.org

This year is Craig Lodge Community’s 25th Birthday! “May I never forget the good things He has done for me”

Kate from Ireland has spent a year in this community and tells about her experience.

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow reports on the mission Mary's Meals , which is a fruit of prayer

This year is Craig Lodge Community’s 25th Birthday! “May I never forget the good things He has done for me”