YouTube censorship strikes again

Catholic Church and vaccination - Freemason Edward Jenner - conspiracy deniers
YouTube censorship strikes again

Again, YouTube censored one of my videos because of “misinformation” and “endangering health”. Today’s victim is “Catholic Church and vaccination - Freemason Edward Jenner - conspiracy deniers”.

At least an exact start (but no end) of the dangerous part in the video was clearly declared. So maybe it is only the first sentence, or maybe the next sentence(s), too. Anyway: Here is this dangerous sentence plus some of the following:

»You must ask whether vaccines are safe and effective. You must ask whether all the other so-called corona measures like lockdowns, surveillance, masks, social distancing, destroying the global economy etc. are safe and effective. So do your homework: Search for "vaccine failures", "vaccine side effects", "vaccine injuries". Search for "flu shot effectiveness", "Polio Vaccination Causes More Infections", "Vaccine-derived Poliovirus". Search for "vaccines abortion", "vaccines fetal cells". Search for "illegal practices of pharmaceutical firms". Search for "mask effectiveness", "lockdown effectiveness". Search for "police violence", "police brutality". Search for "concentration camps", "extermination camps". Search for "Lucifer", "Lucis trust". And if you cannot find reliable information on Google, Facebook etc., then use other tools.«

So what is the gospel of YouTube? Could it be the following?

“Thou shalt not ask whether vaccines are safe and effective. Thou shalt not search for "vaccines abortion", "vaccines fetal cells". Thou shalt not search for "illegal practices of pharmaceutical firms". Thou shalt not find reliable information.”