Single Cell Beginning. Some claim that a fertilized ovum is just a blueprint. This is an effort to demonstrate that it’s not yet a complete human. Consider as an example the blueprint of your home. It …More
Single Cell Beginning.

Some claim that a fertilized ovum is just a blueprint. This is an effort to demonstrate that it’s not yet a complete human.

Consider as an example the blueprint of your home. It was merely the plan for the builder. Using this design, the craftsmen brought together many different building materials, assembled them, and ultimately you had a house. The blueprint, then, could be thrown away.

But when you were built as a human being it was quite a different story.

The single cell, who you once were, was not a blueprint, you were, in fact, the entire “house”, in minutea, and all you did was grow up. The only thing that was added to that single cell was nutrition, oxygen, and, of course, time. You were then everything you are today. This is Dr. John Willke.