Gloria.TV News on the 11th of February 2015 Yesterday, the Vatican has published new directives for the Church on the preaching of the homily in Mass. At the presentation archbishop Arthur Roche, the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of February 2015

Yesterday, the Vatican has published new directives for the Church on the preaching of the homily in Mass. At the presentation archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, said that the homily “is not an intermission in the middle of Mass”. He added that homilies should generally not be improvised.

Dangerous Phone Apostolate: The Italian local radio La Zanzara has hired an excellent imitator of Pope Francis who called archbishop Luigi Negri of Ferrara, Italy, presenting himself as the Holy Father. The imitator then went on to rebuke the bishop because he recently criticized the homosex ideology and linked abortion to the economic crisis of Italy. The false pope kept saying to an embarrassed bishop Negri “You must be more prudent” and ended the phone conversation with an Our Father.

The so far known U.S. participants at the Synod of the Family in October oppose strongly the anti-family group around German Cardinal Walter Kasper. They are Philadelphia archbishop Charles Chaput, Los Angeles archbishop José Horacio Gómez and Galveston-Huston Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. Chaput spoke of a confusion produced during the last Synod, a confusion, that was the work of the devil. Gómez has punished a priest who made propaganda for gay marriage. DiNardo heads the Pro-Life-Office of the U.S. bishops.

Opening the doors of Hell: According to Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle from Manila Pope Francis is very clear in his position against contraception. A Pope is quote: "not at liberty to just invent his own teaching". However at the same time Francis is opening the doors of the Church as of a compassionate and a merciful Church. This represents his pastoral approach. Tagle also stated that Pope Francis wants to address more particular cases and to handle them individually.
The sacraments of baptism and eucharist must therefore have an impact on our lives, because the grace of God is the goal of reuniting with him, with the resurrected Son of God, who has proved through his resurrection that He is the Eternal, the Ressurection and the Life.
This includes the humility instead of the arrogance and egocentricity, and an adaquate state of love, namely to put God and his …More
The sacraments of baptism and eucharist must therefore have an impact on our lives, because the grace of God is the goal of reuniting with him, with the resurrected Son of God, who has proved through his resurrection that He is the Eternal, the Ressurection and the Life.
This includes the humility instead of the arrogance and egocentricity, and an adaquate state of love, namely to put God and his love in the center, because he is the purpose of life, and the deification is the goal of our life.
The Law of God, the ten commandments, is his love, is his concept of eternal life, love, peace, freedom and rightousness.
All humanists and idolaters making a mistake, because they forcibly tear the world to them, but they are independent of God. They have bent their knees to Satan, who is the ruler of the world, and he gives them the dominion over the world, for they usurp everything with violence. But without the reuniting through communion with Jesus Christ there is no deification, and no eternal life, as it was in paradise before the sin-fall.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you: whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and does not come into the Court, but he is spilled through from death to life." John 5,24
"Whoever believes in me, believes not in me, but in him who sent me.
And he who sees me, sees them who has sent me. I am the Light that came into the world, so that everyone who believes in me does not remain in darkness. Whoever hears my words and not followed, I don't jugde, because I have not come to judge, but to save. Who despises me and does not accept my words, these has been his Judge: The word, that I have spoken, will judge him on the last day. Because I don't have told what I said of myself, but the Father, who sent me, told me what I should say and talk. And I know that his mission is eternal life. What I say, I say as the Father has told me."
Johannes 12, 44-50
adeste fideles
✍️ Thanks Gloria Tv. God bless you.
At his baptism by John was Jesus as Messiah revealed. Messiah = Christ - and the Saviour, who have rest on him the spirit of God, with which He was anointed by God his father. Also John is recognized him as the Lamb of God, as it previously was revealed to him by God.
In the Temple also the Lord has revealed as Messiah and Savior, because He is the uncreated Grace of God and the uncreated Light of …More
At his baptism by John was Jesus as Messiah revealed. Messiah = Christ - and the Saviour, who have rest on him the spirit of God, with which He was anointed by God his father. Also John is recognized him as the Lamb of God, as it previously was revealed to him by God.
In the Temple also the Lord has revealed as Messiah and Savior, because He is the uncreated Grace of God and the uncreated Light of God, He quoted the Prophet Isajah from the Bible and told the listeners that the written word before their eyes were fulfilled.
"And he came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went into the synagogue in his habit on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
So the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah was handed to him, and when he opened the scroll, he found the place where is written: "The spirit of YAHWEH is resting on Me, because He has anointed Me.
He has sent Me to preach the Gospel the poor, to help the crushed hearts, to preach the prisoners that they should be unbound, and the blind the vision, and the crushed to be free and single, and to proclaim a Year of Grace of YAHWE (the LORD)!"
And He closed the scroll, gave it back to a servant and sat down, and all eyes in the synagogue were focused on him.
As He began to speak to them: "Today this Scripture Word has been fulfilled before your eyes – you heard it!' Luke 4.16 21
At the same time the Kingdom of God has approached with this revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, which can not be reached without him and his sacrifice as the Lamb of God. The beginning of the Kingdom of God is also the beginning of the End of the world, which was initiated.
"Now the Court is held against this world. Now the ruler of this world will be thrown out." Johannes 12, 31
Mensajero Mariano
Can. 751 — Häresie nennt man die nach Empfang der Taufe erfolgte beharrliche Leugnung einer kraft göttlichen und katholischen Glaubens zu glaubenden Wahrheit oder einen beharrlichen Zweifel an einer solchen Glaubenswahrheit; Apostasie nennt man die Ablehnung des christlichen Glaubens im ganzen;Schisma nennt man die Verweigerung der Unterordnung unter den Papst oder …More
Can. 751 — Häresie nennt man die nach Empfang der Taufe erfolgte beharrliche Leugnung einer kraft göttlichen und katholischen Glaubens zu glaubenden Wahrheit oder einen beharrlichen Zweifel an einer solchen Glaubenswahrheit; Apostasie nennt man die Ablehnung des christlichen Glaubens im ganzen;Schisma nennt man die Verweigerung der Unterordnung unter den Papst oder der Gemeinschaft mit den diesem untergebenen Gliedern der Kirche.

Can. 1364 — § 1. Der Apostat, der Häretiker oder der Schismatiker ziehen sich die Exkommunikation als Tatstrafe zu, unbeschadet der Vorschrift des can.194, § 1, n. 2; ein Kleriker kann außerdem mit den Strafen gemäß can.1336, § 1, nn. 1, 2 und 3 belegt werden.

§ 2. Wenn andauernde Widersetzlichkeit oder die Schwere des Ärgernisses es erfordern, können weitere Strafen hinzugefügt werden, die Entlassung aus dem Klerikerstand nicht ausgenommen.

Can. 1365 — Wer sich verbotener Gottesdienstgemeinschaft schuldig macht, soll mit einer gerechten Strafe belegt werden.

Can. 1366 — Eltern oder solche, die Elternstelle vertreten, welche die nichtkatholische Taufe oder Erziehung ihrer Kinder veranlassen, sollen mit einer Beugestrafe oder einer anderen gerechten Strafe belegt werden.

Can. 1367 — Wer die eucharistischen Gestalten wegwirft oder in sakrilegischer Absicht entwendet oder zurückbehält, zieht sich die dem Apostolischen Stuhl vorbehaltene Exkommunikation als Tatstrafe zu; ein Kleriker kann außerdem mit einer weiteren Strafe belegt werden, die Entlassung aus dem Klerikerstand nicht ausgenommen.

Can. 1368 — Wenn jemand etwas vor einer kirchlichen Autorität versichert oder verspricht und dabei einen Meineid leistet, soll er mit einer gerechten Strafe belegt werden.

Can. 1369 — Wer in einer öffentlichen Aufführung oder Versammlung oder durch öffentliche schriftliche Verbreitung oder sonst unter Benutzung von sozialen Kommunikationsmitteln eine Gotteslästerung zum Ausdruck bringt, die guten Sitten schwer verletzt, gegen die Religion oder die Kirche Beleidigungen ausspricht oder Haß und Verachtung hervorruft, soll mit einer gerechten Strafe belegt werden.
Według jakiego kalendarza Gloria.tv nadaje swoje newsy,skoro dziś (11 lutego) mamy materiał z datą 12 lutego ? 😲
As to the homily. In the Mekhitarist Church in Vienna on Sundays the Liturgy is sung in Armenian language and the readings of the Apostle as well as the Gospel are said in Armenian tongue. For the little flock of Roman Catholic Austrians who attend this Armenian-Catholic mass because of its beautiful celebration there are liittle folders prepared containig those texts in German – PLUS the related …More
As to the homily. In the Mekhitarist Church in Vienna on Sundays the Liturgy is sung in Armenian language and the readings of the Apostle as well as the Gospel are said in Armenian tongue. For the little flock of Roman Catholic Austrians who attend this Armenian-Catholic mass because of its beautiful celebration there are liittle folders prepared containig those texts in German – PLUS the related HOMILY ! Thus the mass is not interrupted by preaching and everybody can take home the word of God and its explanation for continuing enlightenment.
Every Sunday at 11 a.m. one can experience the magnificent liturgical music.