Life Action: The Biden DOJ is unjustly targeting 74-year-old Joan Bell for peacefully protecting preborn babies from being brutally killed in the womb. Despite her non-violent actions, they are trying …More
Life Action: The Biden DOJ is unjustly targeting 74-year-old Joan Bell for peacefully protecting preborn babies from being brutally killed in the womb. Despite her non-violent actions, they are trying to put her in prison for up to 11 years. Joan is known as the "matriarch of pro-life activism" for her 50 years of non-violent sit-ins and Red Rose Rescues at abortion facilities. For her pro-life work, she has been arrested over 100 times and has spent 6 years in prison, including 2.5 years in solitary confinement. She is now standing trial on charges of conspiracy against rights and FACE Act violations for protesting the D.C.-based Washington Surgi-Clinic, run by late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo. Santangelo was caught on camera in 2012 admitting that if a baby were to survive a late-term abortion, he and his staff "would not help it." During one of her previous court cases, she told the judge: "It is my humble privilege to follow my conscience and my Catholic faith in defense of the innocent and the just. I will not cooperate with immoral, unjust laws corruptly and cowardly imposed on the American people for the sake of pretending to solve social and economic problems by murdering innocent children. To accept probation would be to accept the lie that I harmed society by trying peacefully, prayerfully, and nonviolently to save children from the brutal death by abortion." Joan is a pro-life hero. We stand by her 100%.
chris griffin
May those babies she tried to save testify for her at her eternal judgement. Lord, she had mercy on us and tried to save us!