Gloria.TV News on the 11th of June 2013 To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News Vatican The German psychiatrist and author Manfred Lütz met Benedict XVI last week for half an hour in the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of June 2013

To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News


The German psychiatrist and author Manfred Lütz met Benedict XVI last week for half an hour in the Vatican. His impression: „Benedict was nimble-witted, alert, interested and humorous like always“. Benedict said to Lütz: „I live like a monk, I pray and write. I am doing well.“

Pius X

The Superior-General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay gave an interview on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the 1988 Episcopal ordinations. He was asked about the claim that he planned to compromise on the Council and with the post-Conciliar Church. His answer: „That is pure propaganda from people who wanted to split the Society.“ And: „Those who divide the Society with their dialectic, should reflect on why they do and what they do. I am referring to Bishop Williamson and the priests who follow him.“

Pius X

In the same interview, Bishop Fellay was asked if when he looks back over the past year, would he have done things differently? His answer: “Oh, certainly. We are always wiser after the battle. I would have emphasized more what I have always said, although I didn't think it was necessary at the time, that in whatever kind of an agreement is made, there would always be a condition sine qua non that we are not going to compromise.” And: “I certainly would have, and in fact, have already, improved communications. I was paralyzed by the leaks. I would do things much differently today.”


In Brazil, the Catholic Church gets increasingly replaced by Evangelical groups. Last week televangelist Silas Malafaia gathered 40,000 evangelicals outside Brazil's Congress in order to oppose abortion and same-sex marriage. "Gay activism is moral garbage," Malafaia stated. And: "Satan will not destroy our family values." President Dilma Rousseff appointed an Evangelical leader to her cabinet. Today, 25% of Brazilians are Evangelicals. They hold 68 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and three in the Senate. While the Evangelicals are booming, membership in the Brazilian Catholic Church is declining and it increasingly adapting to the anticlerical main-stream.
El psiquiatra y escritor alemán Manfred Lütz se encontró con Benedicto XVI la semana pasada durante una media hora en el Vaticano. Su impresión: "Benedicto era ágil de mente, alerta, interesada y de buen humor, como siempre." Benedicto XVI dijo a Lutz: "Vivo como un monje, oro y escribo. Yo voy (estoy) bien". 👏 👏 👏 👍 🙏 😇More

El psiquiatra y escritor alemán Manfred Lütz se encontró con Benedicto XVI la semana pasada durante una media hora en el Vaticano. Su impresión: "Benedicto era ágil de mente, alerta, interesada y de buen humor, como siempre." Benedicto XVI dijo a Lutz: "Vivo como un monje, oro y escribo. Yo voy (estoy) bien". 👏 👏 👏 👍 🙏 😇
I see by your previous post that you are not very traditionalist in your views, you are a sedevacantist, too bad, but any way, the situation in Brazil is like that because most, and I mean MOST (with the exception of Dom Castro Mayer and very few others) of our Bishops and priests caved to Modernism, Liberation Theology, Carismatism etc.,they abandoned the battle. The flock is disoriented …More

I see by your previous post that you are not very traditionalist in your views, you are a sedevacantist, too bad, but any way, the situation in Brazil is like that because most, and I mean MOST (with the exception of Dom Castro Mayer and very few others) of our Bishops and priests caved to Modernism, Liberation Theology, Carismatism etc.,they abandoned the battle. The flock is disoriented and lost. The youth are being lost to immorality, atheism and Protestantism in bunches, because of the lack of Truth on what is being taught by our priests.

Last weekend I heard that the rector of an important Diocesan Propaedeutic Seminary here, said to a friend of mine that he cannot (because there is none) employ teachers, administrators, maintenance personnel that are REALLY CATHOLICS and the young candidates to priesthood knows nothing about the Faith and what the Catholic Church is.

The destruction is consummated, the Catholic Church in Brazil is in rubbles.

Of course there are here and there some good standing wall on the "social justice" field, but the average landscape is "scorched earth". And precisely the work on the "social justice" field helps to worsen the situation because it gives the appearance that "things are not THAT BAD at all" and reduces the Catholic Church to what Pope Francis recently said she IS NOT, a big assistential NGO.

May Our Lady help us.
Em português:
O psiquiatra alemão e autor, Manfred Lütz encontrou Bento XVI na semana passada, durante meia hora, no Vaticano. Sua impressão: "Bento era ágil de raciocínio, alerta, interessado e bem-humorado como sempre." Bento XVI disse Lutz: "Eu vivo como um monge, eu rezo e escrevo. Estou indo bem. "
Pio X
O Superior-Geral da Fraternidade São Pio X, Dom Bernard Fellay deu uma entrevista …More
Em português:


O psiquiatra alemão e autor, Manfred Lütz encontrou Bento XVI na semana passada, durante meia hora, no Vaticano. Sua impressão: "Bento era ágil de raciocínio, alerta, interessado e bem-humorado como sempre." Bento XVI disse Lutz: "Eu vivo como um monge, eu rezo e escrevo. Estou indo bem. "

Pio X

O Superior-Geral da Fraternidade São Pio X, Dom Bernard Fellay deu uma entrevista por ocasião do 25º aniversário das ordenações episcopais de 1988. Ele foi questionado sobre a alegação de que ele pretendia conceder ao Concílio e com a Igreja pós-conciliar. Sua resposta: "Isso é pura propaganda de pessoas que querem dividir a Fraternidade." E "Aqueles que dividem a sociedade com a sua dialética, devem refletir sobre o porque eles fazem e o que eles fazem. Refiro-me ao bispo Williamson e os sacerdotes que o seguem. "

Pio X

Na mesma entrevista, o bispo Fellay foi perguntado se quando ele olha para trás ao longo do ano passado, ele teria feito as coisas de forma diferente? Sua resposta: "Oh, com certeza. Estamos sempre mais sábios após a batalha. Eu teria enfatizado mais o que eu sempre disse, embora eu não acho que era necessário na época, que, em qualquer tipo de acordo que fosse feito, haveria sempre uma condição "sine qua non" que não vai se comprometer . "E eu certamente teria ,e na verdade já fiz, melhorado as comunicações. Eu estava paralisado pelos vazamentos [de notícias]. Eu faria as coisas de forma muito diferente hoje. "


No Brasil, a Igreja Católica esta sendo cada vez mais substituída por grupos evangélicos. Na semana passada o televangelista Silas Malafaia reuniu 40 mil evangélicos em frente ao Congresso do Brasil, a fim de se opor ao aborto e ao casamento do mesmo sexo. "O ativismo Gay é um lixo moral", Malafaia afirmou. E "Satanás não vai destruir os nossos valores familiares". A presidente Dilma Rousseff nomeou um líder evangélico para seu gabinete. Hoje, 25% dos brasileiros são evangélicos. Eles detêm 68 cadeiras na Câmara dos Deputados e três no Senado. Enquanto os evangélicos estão crescendo, A Igreja Católica no Brasil está em declínio e que cada vez mais se adaptada ao anticlericalismo ambiente.
Brazil --
Anyone care to comment as to why this is happening? Any of you that have seen my previous post know by know I am very traditional in my views. I think the answer is simple. In politics some say better stand for something or fall for anything. In our post-conciliar that is what is happening.