Boy Scouts delay decision on gay members. by AlJazeera on Feb 6, 2013More
Boy Scouts delay decision on gay members.

by AlJazeera on Feb 6, 2013
The Boy Scouts of America - one of the largest youth groups in the U.S. - has postponed its decision on whether or not to allow membership for homosexuals.
The organisation is asking for more time to review whether to end their century-old controversial ban on gay members.
Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports from Washington, where one former scout has created a group to lobby for the inclusion …More
The Boy Scouts of America - one of the largest youth groups in the U.S. - has postponed its decision on whether or not to allow membership for homosexuals.

The organisation is asking for more time to review whether to end their century-old controversial ban on gay members.

Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports from Washington, where one former scout has created a group to lobby for the inclusion of homosexual scouts.