Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Lazarus. No Changes Expected Australia Australia’s attorney general is proposing that the incoming government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard should advance legislation …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Lazarus.

No Changes Expected


Australia’s attorney general is proposing that the incoming government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard should advance legislation that will bar discrimination on the basis of sexual preference. The proposal would prohibit so called discrimination against homosexuals and lesbians. It is not expected that the Gillard government will change its public stand in opposition to legal recognition of same-sex marriage.

In A Few Months The First Heads Will Roll


Many of the old Legionary leaders still remain in positions of authority, notes Sandro Magister of L’Espresso magazine. According to Magister, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis, appointed by the Pope to supervise the reform of the Legionaries, is moving slowly. The plodding pace of reform has frustrated some members who are pressing for more dramatic action. Some of the criticisms are being directed against the pontifical delegate. He is being blasted for moving too cautiously, when he is instead expected to ‘make heads roll.’” But Magister says that Cardinal De Paolis has a clear understanding that “there can be no renewal of the Legion with the same men who brought it to disaster still at the top.” He predicts: “In a few months, maybe for Easter, the first heads will roll.”

Anglican-Catholics Will Celebrate Ad Orientem


Australian Anglicans, entering the Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus plan to celebrate a Mass in several different cities once a new Anglican-Catholic ordinariate is established in Australia early in 2011. Archbishop John Hepworth, the head of the Traditional Anglican Communion, disclosed that he and other Anglican officials have been conferring with Catholic leaders on the details of establishing the ordinariate, and going over the details of the liturgy to be used. In its coverage of the process, The Australian emphasizes that in the Anglican-Catholic ordinariate, priests will celebrate the Mass ad orientem.

Christmas Is Not About A Fat Man Dressed in Red


Archbishop Fabriciano Sigampa of Resistencia, Argentine said during a homily that Christmas should not be confused with a “fat man dressed in red.” He added that children “should know that, in reality, the gifts come from the efforts of their parents and with the help of Jesus.” After the bishop aired his objections, organizers of a Santa Claus house in the city square dropped the plans and renamed the cabin the "House of Christmas."
Holy Cannoli
” He [Cardinal Velasio De Paolis] predicts: “In a few months, maybe for Easter, the first heads will roll.”

That's what I'm talkin' about!
Give me a dozen strong Italians in the curia and we'll clean house starting in Rome and then on to the States. Europe, you'll be next.
😡 😡
Buon giorno …More
” He [Cardinal Velasio De Paolis] predicts: “In a few months, maybe for Easter, the first heads will roll.”

That's what I'm talkin' about!

Give me a dozen strong Italians in the curia and we'll clean house starting in Rome and then on to the States. Europe, you'll be next.


😡 😡

Buon giorno
