Message of Our Lady 24/02/10 at Borg in Nadur Malta. Message of 24thFebruary, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart! The following is for Fr Hayden and …More
Message of Our Lady 24/02/10 at Borg in Nadur Malta.

Message of 24thFebruary, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart! The following is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.

Some months from now, many people from around the world will be watching the sports events. And that one will say … and the other will say …: ‘that one is very good!; ‘that team is very good!’. But, my children, although they do this, they are not aware of how much training that player or team put in, and how much sacrifice he would have done, or how many times he slipped and rose up again, or how many times he made mistakes and tried again. But, having had the will – both team and player attained the position they reached.

I want the same from you, my children. I will not refrain from telling you, just as I told your brethren the Gozitans, that I want you to enter on the way of conversion, my children. Not flippantly. Not only for forty days, but for the rest of your life.

Indeed, you who are here tonight and listening, will realize that what I say concerns you. Awake and rise up from that sin that you are committing almost daily. Do not allow the devil to tell you: ‘Why are you going to confession?’ Do not please the devil. Do not please him. Be wise enough to make headway. Look at the athletes and the amount of sacrifices they make, as also those who do sports, so as to reach their goal. And how moderately they eat so as to remain active. My children, you only need to make a little effort.

You also, who are listening to this message, do not block your ears, but rather open them and rise up from the mire in which you now are. Arise! Get clean and brush yourself and return to my Son Jesus. I assure you that my Son Jesus will welcome you into his embrace with arms wide open for you, because he loves you.

I want you to fast and to make penance and sacrifices.

Thank you for having listened to my call.