journey2wholeness's Deborah Massey types of fast and why. Deborah Massey, co-founder of Journey2Wholeness Ministries shares her heart the importance of fasting in your life. She shares scriptures as …More
journey2wholeness's Deborah Massey types of fast and why.

Deborah Massey, co-founder of Journey2Wholeness Ministries shares her heart the importance of fasting in your life. She shares scriptures as well as examples in the word of God.

Journey2Wholeness is an international online healing school of ministry teaching knowledge into your hearts about spiritual, psychological and biological disease. We teach prevention and eradication of disease through cutting edge teaching and ministry with results and not disease management but to show connection between sin and disease.

We also offer 16 teachings through MP3 download for only $139.00. Visit us at www.journey2wholeness.org
If you are interested in gaining more information, please contact me at
deborah@journey2wholeness.org and I will be most happy to forward thru
email some insights. There will be more posts coming soon on this and other topics. Thank you for visiting my video. Blessings.
This is very interesting......I appreciate what you have to offer, I am very interested in learning, the fasting technique......and correct way to do it.......I will visit your web site........
This is very interesting......I appreciate what you have to offer, I am very interested in learning, the fasting technique......and correct way to do it.......I will visit your web site........
