Canon 212

Pray For Frank Walker

Frank Walker, the editor of had a stroke on Thursday night and is currently in the ICU. His prognosis is good; he is expected to make a full recovery, but he will have some difficult weeks of therapy ahead of him.

In your charity, please pray for Frank and for his family. God save the Church.
Please keep us updated -- Frank is such a special part of our online community of faithful Catholics! We are keeping him in prayer for sure~!
chiggg1 shares this
My friend Frank Walker who runs Canon 212 had a stroke and is in the ICU. Please pray for him
God be with you!
Jayme J Caspall
Of course. God bless that good Catholic man. Through this medium I have gotten to know him. Few men have his talent and incisive wit. He is in my prayers.
E A O'Hora
Prayers for Frank Walker speedy recovery
Sally Dorman shares this
My friend Frank Walker who runs Canon 212 had a stroke and is in the ICU. Please pray for him
For sure!! Thank you for letting us know - please keep us posted! He is a very good man! May Our Lady keep him under Her Mantle!
God bless you Frank. May a full healing be granted you - In Christ's Holy Name. Amen.
Darice Henriques
Sally Dorman
Our Father who art in heaven
U S Spacy shares this
Wilma Lopez
🙏 🙏 🙏
So sorry to hear, may the blood of Christ heal him. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Malki Tzedek
May God bless and heal you, Frank. The Church and it's faithful need your feisty witness!
Gina Walker
Thank you ALL for your prayers. We will keep you posted.
🙏🙏🙏Ave Maria
@Gina Walker Thank you for letting us know. You probably know this already - but maybe tying a Miraculous Medal around your husband's neck and praying a novena will give him a full healing quickly!
" Miracle Of Sight
In June 1836, a miracle occurred in Belgium. Rosalie Ducas, a little girl who had been a healthy toddler, suddenly lost her sight on November 9, 1835 at the age of four and a half. …More
@Gina Walker Thank you for letting us know. You probably know this already - but maybe tying a Miraculous Medal around your husband's neck and praying a novena will give him a full healing quickly!

" Miracle Of Sight

In June 1836, a miracle occurred in Belgium. Rosalie Ducas, a little girl who had been a healthy toddler, suddenly lost her sight on November 9, 1835 at the age of four and a half. Losing her sight was such a traumatic experience that the child was disturbed day and night. Realizing that the child needed help from above, the parish priest of Jodoigne-la-Soveraine gave the girl’s mother a Miraculous Medal. On June 11, 1836, the woman placed another medal around her daughter’s neck, and she started praying a novena. Within six hours of placing the medal around the child’s neck, the little girl stopped complaining of pain. Then, on the fourth or fifth day of the novena, Rosalie opened her eyes. The parents felt so hopeful that they prayed even more. To the overwhelming delight of Rosalie, her parents and the priest, the child regained her sight and was freed from her pain on the ninth day of the novena.

Miracles Of The Miraculous Medal
Praying for a speedy recovery. God bless Frank Walker and his family.
Ave Maria.
Prayers promised.