
Biskup Rogelio Livieres Plano: jestem ofiarą prześladowania!

Biskup Ciudad del Este został odsunięty przez Watykan ze swojej funkcji. Uważa, że decyzja Stolicy Apostolskiej jest niesłuszna. Biskup uważa się za ofiarę „ideologicznego prześladowania”.
Ks. Rogelio Livieres Plano piastował funkcję biskupa paragwajskiej diecezji Ciudad del Este. Stolica Apostolska, po przeprowadzeniu w diecezji szeregi kontrolnych wizyt zadecydowała, że musi zostać zdjęty z urzędu. Biskupa oskarżano przede wszystkim o ukrywanie nadużyć seksualnych oraz spory z lokalnym episkopatem.
Biskup uważa jednak, że stał się ofiarą „ideologicznego prześladowania”. W liście otwartym stwierdził, że papież odpowie za swoją decyzję przed Bogiem. Jego zdaniem media, pracownicy Watykanu i biskupi błędnie przeprowadzili akcję błędnego poinformowania opinii publicznej o całej sprawie.
Bp Livieres uważa, że naraził się innym biskupów Paragwaju zwłaszcza otwierajac własne seminarium.
Biskup kładzie bowiem duży nacisk na przywiązanie do tradycyjnej liturgii. W ten sposób, jak sam uważa, naruszył
"ideologiczną jedność" Kościoła w Paragwaju, co ściągnęło na niego niechęć.
Livieres wyjaśnił, że jako „syn Kościoła” podda się bez żadnego sprzeciwu decyzji Stolicy Apostolskiej.
Episkopat Paragwajski od lat jest przesiakniety marksistowska interpretacja
Kosciola. Popularnie nazywa sie to "teologia wyzwolenia".
Kilka lat temu jeden z biskupow Lugo porzucil kaplanstwo i biskupstwo i zostal
wybrany na fali marksistowskiej propagandy prezydentem kraju.
Lugo jest bliskim przyjacielem slynnego ideologa teologii wyzwolenia Boffa z Brazylii.
Jedynym z bpow ktory odmowi mu poparcia …
Episkopat Paragwajski od lat jest przesiakniety marksistowska interpretacja
Kosciola. Popularnie nazywa sie to "teologia wyzwolenia".
Kilka lat temu jeden z biskupow Lugo porzucil kaplanstwo i biskupstwo i zostal
wybrany na fali marksistowskiej propagandy prezydentem kraju.
Lugo jest bliskim przyjacielem slynnego ideologa teologii wyzwolenia Boffa z Brazylii.
Jedynym z bpow ktory odmowi mu poparcia okazal sie bp Livieres.
Inni przesiaknieci ideologia marksistowska nie mieli z tym problemu.
Dziwnym trafem papiez Franciszek rowniez nie ma problemu z
teologia wyzwolenia i w Watykanie przyjmuje i rehabilituje jej
najwiekszych propagatorow /2-3 miesiace temu/.
Kolejnym punktem jest sprawa "wyobcowania" bpa Livieresa:
episkopat paragwajski lat temu kilkanascie, jak to jest w zwyczaju, przedstawil swoje kandydatury na kolejnego biskupa.
Papiez Jan Pawel II nie zaakceptowal zadnej z nich wybierajac "kaplana kochajacego Boga i Kosciol" /watikan leaks/.
Sprawa ksiedza posadzanego w USA o "niegodne, "seksualne" wyczyny a zaakceptowanego przez biskupa Livieresa rowniez ma swoje kuchenne drzwi:
2 sady w USA odrzucily oskarzenie go jako bezpodstawne a dzisiaj w internecie funkcjonuje
jedynie falszywka spreparowana do jego dyskredytacji.
Przed przyjeciem owego ksiedza do swojej diecezji bp Livieres
prowadzil bardzo glebokie i uczciwe badanie oraz rozmowy na najwyzszych szczeblach
Watykanu. Stamtad uzyskal POTWIERDZENIE, ze ow ksiadz JEST NIEWINNY
i MOZE BYC INKARDYNOWANY do jego diecezji.
Letter from Bishop Rogelio LIVIERES to the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
Thursday, September 25 2014 1:59 PM
Cardinal Marc Ouellet
Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
Palazzo della Congregazioni,
Piazza Pio XII, 10,
00193 Rome, Italy
September 25 2014
Thank you for the warmth with which I received on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 of this month at the Congregation presiding. …Więcej
Letter from Bishop Rogelio LIVIERES to the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
Thursday, September 25 2014 1:59 PM
Cardinal Marc Ouellet
Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
Palazzo della Congregazioni,
Piazza Pio XII, 10,
00193 Rome, Italy
September 25 2014
Thank you for the warmth with which I received on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 of this month at the Congregation presiding. Similarly, communication by telephone that has made me a few moments ago the Pope's decision to declare the Diocese of Ciudad del Este vacant and appoint Mons. Ricardo Valenzuela as Apostolic Administrator.
I have understood that the Nuncio, almost simultaneously with the announcement that His Eminence has just given me, has made a press conference in Paraguay and now goes to the Diocese to take immediate control of it. The public announcement by the Nuncio before I be notified in writing of the decree is an irregularity more on this anomalous process. Fulminant Diocese intervention may perhaps be due to the fear that most of the faithful people react negatively to the decision taken, and who have openly indicated their support for me and for the Apostolic Visitation management. In this respect I remember the parting words of Cardinal Santos and April: "I hope to receive the decisions of Rome with the same openness and docility with which I have received of me." Was indicating the course of action was decided before the final reports and review of the Holy Father? In any case, we need not fear any rebellion. The faithful have been trained in the discipline of the Church and know how to obey the legitimate authorities.
The conversations we had and apparently because I have not seen the official documents given to justify such a serious decision tension in the ecclesial communion between the bishops of Paraguay and me and Diocese: 'We are not in communion "Nuncio had declared in his lecture.
For my part, I think I have shown that destituyentes attacks and maneuvers which have already been initiated since my appointment as bishop, before he could even set foot in the Diocese -there correspondence of the time between the bishops of Paraguay with the Department that His Eminence presided as irrefutable proof. My case was not the only one in which an Episcopal Conference has consistently opposed an appointment made by the Pope against his opinion. I had the grace to which, in my case, Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI support me to keep going. I understand now that the Pope Francisco has decided to withdraw that support.
I just want to emphasize that at no point did not receive a written report on the Apostolic Visitation and therefore I could not properly respond to it. Despite much talk about dialogue, compassion, openness, decentralization and respect for the authority of the local Churches, I have not had a chance to speak with the Pope Francisco, even to clarify any questions or concerns. Consequently, I could not receive any paternal, or fraternal correction, as prefer-from you. Non useless complaints, just proceed without formalities indefinitely and suddenly does not seem very fair, and leads to self-defense, or the appropriate correction of any errors. I only received oral pressure to resign.
My opponents and local media recently have been reporting in the media, not what happened but what was about to happen, even in the smallest details, is certainly another indicator that some senior officials in the Vatican the Apostolic Nuncio in the country and some bishops were maneuvering in an orchestrated and giving irresponsible to "guide" the course of action and public opinion leaks.
As obedient son of the Church, I agree, however, that decision even though I consider unfounded and arbitrary and that the Pope will give an account to God and not to me. Beyond the many human errors made and why and ask forgiveness from God and those who have suffered for it, I say again to anyone who will listen that the substance of the case has been an ideological opposition and persecution.
The true Church unity is what is built from the Eucharist and respect, observance and obedience to the faith of the Church taught by the Magisterium normatively articulated in church discipline and lived in the liturgy. Now, however, it seeks to impose a unity based not on divine law, but human agreements and maintaining the status quo. In Paraguay, particularly on the poor training of a single National Seminar -deficiencias identified not by me, but authoritatively by the Congregation for Catholic Education in a letter to the Bishops of 2008 In contrast, without criticizing what others did Bishops although there is plenty of material, I focused on establishing a diocesan seminary under the rules of the Church. I also did not just because I have the duty and right under the general laws of the Church, but with the specific approval of the Holy See, unequivocally ratified during the last visit ad limina 2008.
Our diocesan seminary has given excellent results recognized by recent laudatory letters of the Holy See on at least three occasions during the previous pontificate, by the Bishops who have visited us and, ultimately, by the Apostolic Visitors. Any suggestions made by the Holy See concerning improvements on how to carry out the seminar have been faithfully fulfilled.
The other criterion is the uncritical ecclesiastical unity coexistence between us based on uniformity of thought and action, which excludes dissent in defense of truth and legitimate variety of gifts and charisms. To this ideological uniformity is imposed by the euphemism of "collegiality."
He who suffers the ultimate consequences of what I describe is the faithful, since the particular Churches remain dormant, with great exodus to other denominations, almost priestly or religious vocations, and with little hope of a real dynamism and lasting growth.
The real problem of the Church in Paraguay is the crisis of faith and moral life that poor training of the clergy has been perpetuated, along with the negligence of the pastors. Lugo is but a sign of the times this problem reducing the life of faith and fashionable ideologies accomplice relaxation of the life and discipline of the clergy. As I said, I have not been since I released the report of Cardinal Santos and April on the Apostolic Visitation. But if it was his opinion that the problem of the Church in Paraguay sacristy is a problem that is resolved by changing the sexton, I would be deeply and trágimente wrong.
The opposition to any renewal and change in the Church in Paraguay has benefited not only bishops but also with the support of political groups and anti-Catholic associations, and support from some religious of the Conference of Religious of Paraguay-those know the religious life crisis globally will not be surprised latter. The spokesman liar and repeatedly paid for such maneuvers has always been a certain Javier Miranda. All this was done with the intention of showing "divison" within the same diocesan Church. Although the truth is demonstrated and proven wide acceptance among the laity of the work we were doing.
Just like me, before accepting my appointment as Bishop, believed strongly in the obligation to express my feeling of inadequacy at such responsibility, having accepted this charge with the full weight of divine authority and the rights and duties attending me, I have kept the grave moral responsibility to obey God rather than men. So I refused to give up on their own initiative and wanting to witness to the end of truth and spiritual freedom that a pastor should have. Task from now I hope to continue my new situation in the Church.
The Diocese of Ciudad del Este is a case in point that has grown and multiplied fruit in all aspects of church life, for happiness of faithful and devoted people who seek the sources of faith and spiritual life, not ideologies politicized and watered down beliefs that fit the prevailing opinions. These people openly and publicly expressed his support for the apostolic work we have been doing. The people and I have been ignored.
Yours faithfully in Christ,

+ Rogelio Livieres
Former Bishop of Ciudad del Este (Paraguay)
/google translation from Spanish/
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