Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose? TVCatholic on Jan 19, 2012 STREAMING CATHOLIC TELEVISION 24 HOURS viewers.multicastmedia.com/viewer/viewerframes_parent.aspMore
Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose?

TVCatholic on Jan 19, 2012 STREAMING CATHOLIC TELEVISION 24 HOURS viewers.multicastmedia.com/viewer/viewerframes_parent.asp
I am a Roman Catholic, and I honestly believe that Rick Santorum is not a True Roman Catholic..one can tell a tree by the fruit it bares!
😀 😀 RomanCandle, re.:the Newt 😀 😇 🤗
I would like to see Ron Paul run against President Obama
in the forthcoming US presidential election. In all likelihood
Republicans will go for Mitt Romney and not Newt Gingrich.
Rick Santorum comes across as a decent guy but is easily
flustered with awkward questions. The kiss of death came
to Santorum with the endorsement of the “religious right”.
As for Newt Gingrich, I can’t see young or old …More
I would like to see Ron Paul run against President Obama
in the forthcoming US presidential election. In all likelihood
Republicans will go for Mitt Romney and not Newt Gingrich.

Rick Santorum comes across as a decent guy but is easily
flustered with awkward questions. The kiss of death came
to Santorum with the endorsement of the “religious right”.

As for Newt Gingrich, I can’t see young or old Republicans
wanting a Catholic or a serial adulterer. Do Americans see
Callista representing the United States as their First Lady?

As any good doctor does, Ron Paul will prescribe the right
medicine for an ailing patient. Sadly it will be quack-doctor
Mitt Romney who hands Americans no cure but more pain.

President Obama has raised more money from Wall Street
for his 2012 campaign than all the Republican candidates
could muster together. Obama has been anointed again.
Mr Woods you are correct of your assessment of Mr Santorum. It's not enough that he is Catholic and pro life to be considered the best candidate. His voting record is disgraceful not to mention that he supports the Zionist state of Israel. Ron Paul who has been ignored by the media, has at least brought to the attention of "sleeping" Americans the fallacy of big government dependence and a monetary …More
Mr Woods you are correct of your assessment of Mr Santorum. It's not enough that he is Catholic and pro life to be considered the best candidate. His voting record is disgraceful not to mention that he supports the Zionist state of Israel. Ron Paul who has been ignored by the media, has at least brought to the attention of "sleeping" Americans the fallacy of big government dependence and a monetary system controlled by a private central bank. He has my vote. My gut tells me that he will not win the nomination and another establishment tool like Romney or Gingrich will be appointed. If that happens get ready for another four years of Barry Sottoro, otherwise known as Barrack Obama. God Help us!
Ron Paul - no doubt abt it 😁
👏 👏 "You are FIRST a Catholic...." 👍 😇
Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose?