Message of Our Lady 16/06/10 given at Borg in Nadur Malta. Message of 16th June, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart! My heart and that of my Son Jesus …More
Message of Our Lady 16/06/10 given at Borg in Nadur Malta.

Message of 16th June, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart!
My heart and that of my Son Jesus are suffering greatly, my children.
Nowadays adultery is rife in your country. Indeed, my children, nothing is taken seriously any more and everything goes. It is as though nothing wrong is happening. Actually, many are taking it to be very normal. They do not even minimally consider what can happen afterwards. They do not take into consideration how families can be shattered. They do not consider the children, nor the sin that they do.
Adultery brings many consequences in its trail, my children, including lies, and even theft, abortion and many other things, that are so incredible. Indeed, some are fanning the flame so that such things be seen as okay. In a word, they have abandoned my Son Jesus, they have cast him aside, and are forgetting his words. This is why he is sending me to this island. This is the reason why: to draw you to him.
My children, subsequently – and surely – abortion will follow. And is no one comprehending their line of reasoning about abortion? If problems arise in a baby that was born just a few hours before, they do their best and try to save it. And rightly so. On the contrary, my children, for a baby that is still in its mother’s womb, they think up of ways to remove it or kill it. Do not be taken aback, my children. If it is a girl, there are some who do not accept her just because she is a girl. They would want to destroy her or remove her. And if the baby is not normal, they would want to remove it as well. Why, my children, why such hurts? Do not just take note of what happens externally. Be concerned also for what takes place inside the mother’s womb. That is the killing of the innocent. It is murder. It is also a sin. Whoever goes for it or performs abortion will have to account for it.
My children, create awareness among you and among those who are far from my Son Jesus. Fight it. Yes, seriously fight it, so that it will find no entry into your country. Both this, and divorce.
This is why our hears suffer, my children, I tell you once again, this is why my Son Jesus is sending me to this hill of Borg in-Nadur. Indeed, it is for this: that I may open your eyes and show you where you are wrong. Seize this opportunity. Heed these messages, my children. You have this great opportunity of someone who is getting you to see. I am speaking to you with a mother’s suffering heart.

Thank you for having listened to my call.