Oh Mary can see us among this crowd preparing the instruments for the crucifixion of God on our hearts, as St. Paul says! Today the whole world has become Golgotha, for there is no place, no hour in which people do not crucify their God with their sins! – And crucifying Him with abuse of others, detraction, hatred, crucifying Him with debauchery of thought, heart and deed; crucifying Him with scorn …More
Oh Mary can see us among this crowd preparing the instruments for the crucifixion of God on our hearts, as St. Paul says! Today the whole world has become Golgotha, for there is no place, no hour in which people do not crucify their God with their sins! – And crucifying Him with abuse of others, detraction, hatred, crucifying Him with debauchery of thought, heart and deed; crucifying Him with scorn, blasphemy, unbelief, sacrilege, we cry out: do a miracle, come down from the cross and I will be believed!

Oh Jesus, no; do not come down from the cross, for if you do, what will become of us? As long as I see your hands stretched out on the cross, your head bowed towards me, your blood flowing from your open heart as a wellspring of life, I do not lose hope! And as long as I see you on the cross, I see Your Mother beneath the cross; and if I go to her beneath the cross, I know that she will obtain forgiveness and mercy from her Son for the wretchedness of my soul.


How great was your grief and sorrow, O most holy Mother of God, during the bitter Passion of your Son, when you heard the voice of the …