Hymn by Chaldean Catholic Priest-Martyr in Iraq. Hear the voice of a Christian Martyr singing a hymn in Arabic to the Blessed Mother, while watching a slideshow of his funeral mass. Hear the angelic …More
Hymn by Chaldean Catholic Priest-Martyr in Iraq.

Hear the voice of a Christian Martyr singing a hymn in Arabic to the Blessed Mother, while watching a slideshow of his funeral mass. Hear the angelic voice of Father Ragheed Ganni, a 35 year old Chaldean Catholic Priest killed on Sunday June 3rd, 2007 with three of his deacons right after celebrating mass at Holy Spirit Chaldean Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq. The car of Father Ragheed and the three deacons was stopped by terrorists shortly after leaving the church. They were forced to get down from the car and asked to declare their conversion to Islam. When the four martyrs refused they were brutally gunned down with machine guns.
merci Seigneur pour ce beau chant à ta gloire.
Merci pour ce jeune prêtre-martyr.
Puiss-t-il intercéder pour son peuple, plus martyr que jamais
After the killing the terrorists refused churchmembers to remove the dead budies to give honor to them and bringing them into the church.