Gregorian chant - Exultantes collaudemus. Medieval Gregorian Chant (12th century AD). Title: "Exultantes collaudemus" - Saint Hylarion Mass: Sequence Service: Mass of Saint Hylarion of Cyprus Performers …More
Gregorian chant - Exultantes collaudemus.

Medieval Gregorian Chant (12th century AD). Title: "Exultantes collaudemus" - Saint Hylarion Mass: Sequence Service: Mass of Saint Hylarion of Cyprus Performers: Cappella Romana & Alexander Lingas Album: "Cyprus: Between Greek East and Latin West" ~ Long time no see folks! I thought I'd treat you to an excellent piece of the Medieval Levant - a part of the Missa to Saint Hylarion of Keryneia, from the era of the Crusader kings in Cyprus.