
Original Sins: Eucharistic Prayer II - composed in a few hours in a Roman Trattoria

The unbelievable scene is not unknown, it has been mentioned elsewhere before, but now confirmed in the published recollections of one of the two men involved: during the mad rush to have the Novus Ordo Missae (the New Mass of Paul VI) ready as soon as possible, the Consilium, the 1963-1970 organization charged with the upheaval and destruction of the Roman Rite under the guise of "reform" and under the control mostly of Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, had reached a new level of ignominy in composing a new "canon". The draft was so bad and dangerous that the new Eucharistic Prayer had to be rewritten in a hurry and at the last minute during a late-night meeting by two men in a Roman restaurant.

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Another unbelievable seen is...wait for it...
Most modern day Catholics don`t care.
Most modern day Catholics will have a bad opinion of you, if you complain about it.
The best for last; Most modern day Catholics LIKE IT.
The Novus Ordo liturgical "prayers" were approved by Bugninni and a committee of protestant ministers under Paul VI reign as pope. As such they are not Catholic because the theology of the liturgy promotes banquet verses sacrifice and the priest's role as presider rather than one offering sacrifice. It is no different than a Lutheran or Anglican service. There is only one liturgy decreed by Pope St …More
The Novus Ordo liturgical "prayers" were approved by Bugninni and a committee of protestant ministers under Paul VI reign as pope. As such they are not Catholic because the theology of the liturgy promotes banquet verses sacrifice and the priest's role as presider rather than one offering sacrifice. It is no different than a Lutheran or Anglican service. There is only one liturgy decreed by Pope St Pius V for all time.