3MC - 3 Minute Catechism - SHORT TRAILER. Order now at: www.3mc.me/eng/index_eng.htmlMore
3MC - 3 Minute Catechism - SHORT TRAILER.

Order now at: www.3mc.me/eng/index_eng.html
I think it's a very good idea! It does resemble that Irish animated series 'Give up yer pool sins!' though. As someone who teaches teenagers though I would have one criticism: language. Words like 'pedagogy' are way over the heads of the weaker students. It does mean that teachers will have to explain these words but they can be a barrier to understanding. Other than that these kinds of videos can …More
I think it's a very good idea! It does resemble that Irish animated series 'Give up yer pool sins!' though. As someone who teaches teenagers though I would have one criticism: language. Words like 'pedagogy' are way over the heads of the weaker students. It does mean that teachers will have to explain these words but they can be a barrier to understanding. Other than that these kinds of videos can be an aid to teaching the faith. I'm passing the link onto my department head. 👌
Wow, tough "crowd". This is a trailer, "On Guard". Why not check out the episodes and maybe discover that it is a Cartoon Catechism based on the Summa Theologiae and the Baltimore Catechism.
On Guard
If this is a three minute catechism, it is no wonder that we have no converts!!!!! This is disgusting. Ever heard of the Baltimore Catechism? The Penny Catechism? We got many converts out of those... This is no example of teaching about the Catholic Church.
The new Catholic Catechism from Vat.II is not worth anything either.
Dear God, will we ever get back to Catholicism????????