Gloria.TV News on the 21st of January 2015 The German Bishops Are in Grave Sin: The morning after pill can kill an embryo and its usage is therefore a grave sin according to the Bioethics Commission …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of January 2015
The German Bishops Are in Grave Sin: The morning after pill can kill an embryo and its usage is therefore a grave sin according to the Bioethics Commission of the Polish Bishops' Conference. The commission is led by Archbishop Henryk Hoser of Warsaw-Praga. Recently the Polish Ministry of Health was forced by the EU to allow the distribution of the morning-after pill without prescription. The gravely sinfull morning after pill is distributed in the German Catholic hospitals by request of the German bishops.
Very Wrong: On his flight back from the Philippines Pope Francis claimed in front of journalist that – quote – “to be Catholic does not mean to produce children like rabbits. The ideal family has three children.” Gloria.tv politely disagrees with Francis. In a time when even bishops from developing countries complain about a dramatic decrease of children in the Church, this message was very unfortunate.
The West Keeps Mum: French born Archbishop …More
These people in Niger are obviously brainwashed. They are burning churches because of the Charlie Hebdo magazine... what does a church have anything to do with an atheistic magazine that attacks Islam? Why would you burn churches because an anti-religious French magazine attacked Muhammad? The Christians in the West are doing nothing to cause this; it is their own stupidity that is causing this.
If …More
These people in Niger are obviously brainwashed. They are burning churches because of the Charlie Hebdo magazine... what does a church have anything to do with an atheistic magazine that attacks Islam? Why would you burn churches because an anti-religious French magazine attacked Muhammad? The Christians in the West are doing nothing to cause this; it is their own stupidity that is causing this.

If a western magazine or media source were to publicly attack God and mock the idea of Him, Muslims would not riot over it in the same way as they do over this. In 2006 when Pope Benedict made his remarks in Regensburg, just a few months later Richard Dawkins published the God Delusion. There were no killings, riots or violence over Dawkins bestselling book which insults the idea of God in every page, but there were many because Benedict briefly quoted an Emperor he didn't even personally agree with.

You can say any insult you like about God, and they will do nothing, but if you dare to insult Muhammad or the Quran, you can expect violence. It only proves that the Muslims who do these things actually do not really care about God at all. This has nothing to do with disrespect of their religion, but it is about disrespect of their identity. They burn churches and kill people because they feel their identity as Muslims is insulted, and not because they care about God.

How can anyone have respect for them?