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C- FAM. C-FAM was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions. C-…More
C-FAM was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions.
C-FAM is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person.
C-FAM personnel have participated in every major UN social policy debate since 1997 including the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court, the Convention on Disabilities, Cairo+5, Beijing+5 and dozens of others.
C-FAM publishes and promotes scholarship related to the proposition that the UN and other international institutions harm a true understanding of international law and in the process undermine the family and other institutions man requires for a just, free and happy life.
C-FAM regularly interfaces with diplomats, policy makers, academics, activists and office holders from around …More
UN Women’s Agency Openly Promotes Abortion Rights
By Tom McFeely
NEW YORK, October 13 (C-FAM) Call it “the Columbus Day Surprise”: On a day most Americans were celebrating a national holiday, a senior UN official for women’s rights outlined a vision for a Brave New World that incorporates a push for a global “right” to abortion.
This institutional UN affirmation of abortion rights — even though …More
UN Women’s Agency Openly Promotes Abortion Rights

By Tom McFeely

NEW YORK, October 13 (C-FAM) Call it “the Columbus Day Surprise”: On a day most Americans were celebrating a national holiday, a senior UN official for women’s rights outlined a vision for a Brave New World that incorporates a push for a global “right” to abortion.

This institutional UN affirmation of abortion rights — even though such a right has never been agreed upon by UN member states and does not exist in any major international human rights document — came via a presentation made to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee on Monday morning at the start of a three-day discussion about the advancement of women.Read More

Lords in London Launch San Jose Articles

By Lord David Alton

LONDON, October 13 (C-FAM) When Lord Nicholas Windsor became a Catholic, he renounced his claim to the throne and embraced the Church’s teaching on the right to life of the unborn. This week in a Committee Room of Parliament, he supported a groundbreaking defense of that right, stating “I see the San Jose Articles as an attempt to draw a line and fight back against the strong drift towards conjuring a fully-fledged right to abortion from out of the provisions of international human rights law.”

More than 30 senior politicians, diplomats, lawyers, scholars and public figures from around the world have signed the San Jose Articles, a document that defends the unborn child and refutes the subversive international campaign that falsely claims that abortion is a human right.Read More