Lutheran Benedictine morning mass. Morning mass in Borås, 24th of July 2009, at the Oas movement summer gathering. Celebrant is Father Ceasarius Cavallin, Benedictine Monastery of Östanbäck (Church of …More
Lutheran Benedictine morning mass.
Morning mass in Borås, 24th of July 2009, at the Oas movement summer gathering. Celebrant is Father Ceasarius Cavallin, Benedictine Monastery of Östanbäck (Church of Sweden).
Karpov89: What do you think, my devout Lutheran Mother is going to think, {who believes the Eucharist is the body and blood, which I am happy about,} when she has her new pastor, come into her church, who just happens to be, married to another man. And he obviously, is a practicing, homosexual....the Lutheran church seems to have switched sides, concerning, I believe in there own, Lutheran Creeds,…More
Karpov89: What do you think, my devout Lutheran Mother is going to think, {who believes the Eucharist is the body and blood, which I am happy about,} when she has her new pastor, come into her church, who just happens to be, married to another man. And he obviously, is a practicing, homosexual....the Lutheran church seems to have switched sides, concerning, I believe in there own, Lutheran Creeds, that Homosexuality, is against the teachings of the Lutheran, ruling body...... 🤒 don't you find it, disturbing as my mother does, that all of a sudden, she is going to have to try and justify, an openly gay, married priest, concencrating the Holy Eucharist???. Is there much more that I need to say. 🤦 I think, if you dig really deep, you will find, that Calvin or Luther, really didn't reform anything. Why don't you, take a look at the incredible, miracles at Lourdes.....or Fatima, and read the book of Revelations, where St. John, see's our Lady, crowned, with the Sun and moon at her disposal. And have faith, that the Church that Jesus Christ started, is sufficient enough, to carry, correct teaching. And Martin Luther, is the last person, let alone, Joseph Smith, to abandon, the 2000 year old Church . EJG is right. Do you feel comeforteable, following the doctrine of someone, that says, if you murder, and commit adultry, over and over, your still fine in Gods eyes. The complete gospel, has to do with overcoming sin...to the end.....what about the 5 virgins who were wise, and the 5 that were fools. There is tons of correct scripture, interpretation, from the Church, to help you understand, Martin Luther, didn't reform...diddly...... 🤨 I find it very convient that Luther, who not only was a failed Catholic Priest, but he failed as a Monk, and I believe he married another failed Nun.....it adds up to me, that he is against the monastic life....he failed at it.....

REVTHREEVS21: "HE WHO CONQUERS I WILL GRANT HIM TO SIT WITH ME ON MY THRONE, AS I MYSELF CONQUERED AND SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER ON HIS THROWN" What do you think, that scripture means. Do you think, that murdering all you want, or commiting adultry all you want, fits into that scripture, like Luther says...in his Briefwechel, III pg 208?

REVTHREEVS21<former Mormon, Fundamentalist, Lutheran. It took all of those false religions, to finally recognize the TRUTH