Gloria.TV News on the 20th of November 2014 Cardinal Raises Questions on Pope Francis: In his interview with cruxnow.com retired Chicago Cardinal Francis George admits that because of the Synod of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of November 2014
Cardinal Raises Questions on Pope Francis: In his interview with cruxnow.com retired Chicago Cardinal Francis George admits that because of the Synod of Bishops Pope Francis has lost credibility among Catholics. Quote: “The question is raised, why doesn’t he himself clarify controversial things? Why is it necessary that apologists have to bear that burden of trying to put the best possible face on it? Does he not realize the consequences of some of his statements, or even some of his actions? Does he not realize the repercussions? Perhaps he doesn’t. I don’t know whether he’s conscious of all the consequences of some of the things he’s said and done that raise these doubts in people’s minds.”
Used and Misused: In the same interview Cardinal George speaks about one of the things he would like to ask Pope Francis. Quote: “Do you realize what has happened, just by that very phrase ‘Who am I to judge?’ How it’s been used and misused? It’s very …More
I understand your complaint, and also see the same vein in some of your other conversations.
I don`t agree with your complaint. Here`s why.
You appear to be asking for a more fair and balanced reporting
You want some point counter point argument. You are arguing for Bias in reporting.
Viz. Billy was seen pushing down the old lady, to get to the candy isle 1st. On the upside Billy`s mom …More

I understand your complaint, and also see the same vein in some of your other conversations.
I don`t agree with your complaint. Here`s why.

You appear to be asking for a more fair and balanced reporting
You want some point counter point argument. You are arguing for Bias in reporting.
Viz. Billy was seen pushing down the old lady, to get to the candy isle 1st. On the upside Billy`s mom said her son learned in the Boy scouts how to respect the his seniors, he`s always been a good boy.
If Billy did something bad, then say it.

I prefer a Catholic Site that treats Church Teaching, and Her Living Tradition, as something to be guarded and cherished.
Gloria.TV reports on things that pertain to the Bride of Christ: the Holy Catholic Church. if some cleric is doing something harmful to Her , and to the mystical body : I take offence, as I am hopeful you do also.

I am thankful for Gloria.TV They understand this is more important, than what you call a More Balanced Approach to the News

I also Disagree with your Hands off approach to certain Cardinals, and the Pope when reporting abuses of our faith: The Bride of Christ.

The Laity also have a voice, and are part of the Church Militant, They MUST show great Charity, and reserve when speaking about the Holy Father, but they are not bound to silence.

In fact Catholics NEED a News outlet like Gloria.TV so they may find news that has not had Bias introduced in order to make a Ugly item appear less ugly.

Thank you Gloria.TV for the news.

I remember a similar complaint many years ago being launched against Fox news, By those that held a contrary opinion to what they reported.

Then it was an attempt to silence truth, I trust Lindsaywtf
your concern is in more good faith.