
God Gives Us Stability And Unity Through Truth And Latin Mass

Blog: Traditional Catholic Priest. emphasis mine God Gives Us Stability And Unity Through Truth And Latin Mass With the pope saying all sorts of new stuff everyday, with cardinals contradicting each …More
Blog: Traditional Catholic Priest.
emphasis mine
God Gives Us Stability And Unity Through Truth And Latin Mass
With the pope saying all sorts of new stuff everyday, with cardinals contradicting each other, with other bishops and priests speaking against the what the Bible says, we live in a Catholic Church that is in shambles. Every diocese and parish offers mass differently.
The Body of Christ is being torn to pieces right in front of our eyes. And, what is worst of all, it is being done right inside the Church by those who should be above all, protecting Jesus’ Body, (In the Holy Eucharist, as well as the His Mystical Body the Church).____________________________________________________
Jesus was beaten, scourged, carried the cross and crucified by His own chosen people. The High priest, the Pharisees, the Scribes, the Teachers of the law and the Sanhedrin were all leaders of God’s Jewish religion. Instead of welcoming the Messiah, the Christ, they had Him tortured and killed by the …More
Happy birthday Unworthy!
That's great news..........
Happy birthday Unworthy!

That's great news..........
