holyrope 3
To Live In The 1920's. To Live In The 1920'sMore
To Live In The 1920's.
To Live In The 1920's
holyrope 3
All that you state about the conditions in which we find ourselves is true; divorce, fornication, birth control. Here's where we may disagree; while Vat II certainly had its covert minions within, all full ready to impart their plans of bringing forth a "new light" a "new church" into a a fast growing modernistic world; personally I cannot help but to believe that had Vat II not been …More

All that you state about the conditions in which we find ourselves is true; divorce, fornication, birth control. Here's where we may disagree; while Vat II certainly had its covert minions within, all full ready to impart their plans of bringing forth a "new light" a "new church" into a a fast growing modernistic world; personally I cannot help but to believe that had Vat II not been convened, we would still find ourselves living in the corrupt world as we do. As corrupt, say, if Vat II were never an "issue"? Yes..Even before Pope Pius X we had popes that spoke upon the foreseeing modernistic ways which they knew we were headed in; which were even being supplanted then! And so you may ask, ..."Then why convene a Council (Vat II) if prior popes warned us of the evil which would continue taking root in a continuous growth of modernism?" ...Question justified!
Do you really, (think about this real good)...do you truly believe that the times we are living in would not have, (even eventually) come forth? Do you truly believe that had Vat II not taken place we would all be home with our peace-loving families having more babies with no divorce, cohabitation before marriage, gays, birth control? To some degree it would have lessened the above...but eventually I believe all the above STILL would have moved forward to where we are now. And this is NOT to say that there were not enemies of orthodoxy who played their timbrels to the direction of the father of lies.
How can a Captain have a successful army when his soldiers refuse to take his orders??? Who refuse to be faithful to him? You know this has been the case for Decades WITHIN and WITHOUT the Vatican. This we must realize and consider because when we constantly continue to refer to the problems we have today as being the results from a Church Council,...lt cannot be granted full responsibilty. Reason being, as I wrote in the above. Disobedience, not to mention and probably the first of the downfall of not only what is happening in our churches but throughout the world should come to no surprise, that just as in politics, where are planted revolutionaries, liberals, communists, marxists,..you will certainly have them infiltrate Rome. This has been the case for centuries, one way or another, and the Evil one certainly knows who His number 1 enemy is, and that is he who sits in the chair of Peter.

Today is the Feast Day of St. Fabian (Pope) and St. Sebastian..Both Martyrs:

Epistle... Hebrews 11:33-39

Brethren, the saints through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, recovered strength from weakness, became valiant in battle, put to flight the armies of foreigners: women received their dead raised to life again: but others were racked, not accepting deliverance, that they might find a better resurrection; and others had trial of mockeries and stripes, moreover also of bands and prisons: they were stoned, they were cut asunder, they were tempted, they were put to death by the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins, and in goat-skins, being in want, distressed, afflicted, of whom the world was not worthy; wandering in deserts, in mountains, and in dens, and in caves of the earth. And all these were found approved by the testimony of faith, in Christ Jesus our Lord.