Paul Badde Interview: The Face of God. Currents. Millions around the world are familiar with the famous “Shroud of Turin,” the relic many believe to be the burial cloth of Christ.Fewer, though, may …More
Paul Badde Interview: The Face of God.
Currents. Millions around the world are familiar with the famous “Shroud of Turin,” the relic many believe to be the burial cloth of Christ.Fewer, though, may know about a cloth called “the Holy Face of Manoppello” – sometimes called the “Veil of Veronica,” another relic that some say has an imprint of the face of Christ. Well, a new book, The Face of God, hopes to bring the story behind that cloth to a wider audience. Our Francesca Maximé spoke with the author, Paul Badde.
Millions around the world are familiar with the famous “Shroud of Turin,” the relic many believe to be the burial cloth of Christ. Fewer, though, may know about a cloth called “the Holy Face of Manoppello” – sometimes called the “Veil of Veronica,” another relic that some say has an imprint of the face of Christ. Well, a new book, The Face of God, hopes to bring the story behind that cloth to …More
Millions around the world are familiar with the famous “Shroud of Turin,” the relic many believe to be the burial cloth of Christ. Fewer, though, may know about a cloth called “the Holy Face of Manoppello” – sometimes called the “Veil of Veronica,” another relic that some say has an imprint of the face of Christ. Well, a new book, The Face of God, hopes to bring the story behind that cloth to a wider audience. Our Francesca Maximé spoke with the author, Paul Badde.