3 Father Reed: A Lenten Journey with St. Thérèse. CatholicTV Feb 20, 2010 CatholicTV's A Lenten Journey with St. Thérèse by Father Robert Reed. Watch CatholicTV® to see more Great episodes of A Lenten …More
3 Father Reed: A Lenten Journey with St. Thérèse.
CatholicTV Feb 20, 2010 CatholicTV's A Lenten Journey with St. Thérèse by Father Robert Reed. Watch CatholicTV® to see more Great episodes of A Lenten Journey with St. Thérèse by Father Robert Reed or watch online at
Irapuato, thank you for uploading the videos featuring
Fr Robert Reed. Like most people in the western world,
I am materially rich but time poor, and so particularly
like watching short videos, “lite bites”. I likewise like
listening to Fathers John Corapi (SOLT), Pablo Straub
(CSSR) and William Casey (CPM) for their fearless
defence of the Catholic faith. When I see Fr Robert
briskly walking …More
Irapuato, thank you for uploading the videos featuring
Fr Robert Reed. Like most people in the western world,
I am materially rich but time poor, and so particularly
like watching short videos, “lite bites”. I likewise like
listening to Fathers John Corapi (SOLT), Pablo Straub
(CSSR) and William Casey (CPM) for their fearless
defence of the Catholic faith. When I see Fr Robert
briskly walking through the streets and squares of
Rome in full attire; he looks like a priest on a mission!
Irapuato, just to see the name “Thérèse” makes me
smile with its two “eyebrows”. St Thérèse’s poetical
words remind me of my own thoughts before leaving
home. I invariably ask myself, “Do I have everything
with me”
? Back comes the reply “If you have Jesus,
you have everything”
! Flor de Irapuato - you do
a beautiful thing by daily bringing flowers before
Jesus and Mary with your inspirational videos.