Uncle Joe
Uncle Joe

The Joy of Love

Lisi Sterndorfer
This made my day. 😀
Uncle Joe

Happy Pancake Day 2018!

Pancakes are now forever associated with Shrove Tuesday as it is a sort of all-in-one way of using up some fatty foods before Lent . In the past the ideas was for families to clear out their cupboards …Mai mult
Pancakes are now forever associated with Shrove Tuesday as it is a sort of all-in-one way of using up some fatty foods before Lent .
In the past the ideas was for families to clear out their cupboards and remove the fattening foods (normally the tempting ones) so they aren't in their house during Lent.
Eggs, milk and sugar aren't traditionally eaten in fasting season, so need to be scoffed beforehand.
The actual tradition of mixing them up for pancakes is thought to come from a pagan ritual, but others say it is a Christian tradition - with each ingredient representing one of the four pillars of the faith. Eggs for creation, flour sustenance or the staff of life, salt for wholesomeness and milk for purity. Link
Uncle Joe


* Catholic teaching favors gun rights, capitalism, and a strong defense * Catholic “social teaching” isn’t liberal, it’s conservative * Catholic doctrine doesn’t require open borders and perhaps most …Mai mult
* Catholic teaching favors gun rights, capitalism, and a strong defense
* Catholic “social teaching” isn’t liberal, it’s conservative
* Catholic doctrine doesn’t require open borders
and perhaps most politically incorrect and offensive:
* The Crusades are something to be proud of
Uncle Joe
Joseph a' Khristian Your disgusting skatologikal komments will be removed from my threads.Mai mult
Joseph a' Khristian
Your disgusting skatologikal komments will be removed from my threads.
Interesting sounding book, but I don't agree with his stance on nationalism being evil. Without independent nations we have globalism which is the true …Mai mult
Interesting sounding book, but I don't agree with his stance on nationalism being evil. Without independent nations we have globalism which is the true evil.
Uncle Joe

‘I truly hate these people’

’Disgraced FBI agents trashed pro-lifers, wanted to stop March for Life www.lifesitenews.com/news/i-truly-hate-th…Mai mult
’Disgraced FBI agents trashed pro-lifers, wanted to stop March for Life
Uncle Joe
Uncle Joe

54,000 Polish Laity Urge Bishops to Back Marriage

The campaign is a direct response to liberal interpretations of Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia; wary of "the German errors" spilling across the border into their own dioceses, …Mai mult
The campaign is a direct response to liberal interpretations of Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia; wary of "the German errors" spilling across the border into their own dioceses, Poles are asking the country's prelates to reiterate the consistent teaching of the Church — to declare again that the divorced and civilly remarried live in a state of adultery and therefore cannot be admitted to Holy Communion.www.churchmilitant.com/…/50000-polish-la…
Polish people are leading Europe and the world on Truth of our Faith .God bless you
Uncle Joe
On a personal level, I've known many Polish Americans some of whom were born and raised in Poland. In my experience and to generalize I have found the …Mai mult
On a personal level, I've known many Polish Americans some of whom were born and raised in Poland. In my experience and to generalize I have found the Polish to be hard working, dedicated to the Catholic faith and their women are lovely. 👌
However, there are exceptions. This type can be described as small minded, confrontational and arrogant. You know who you are and if you post on this thread I will remove your post. 😜
Uncle Joe

Pope Francis Says Sex Abuse Victims Are Slandering Catholic Bishop They Say Helped Commit Sex Crimes

www.newsweek.com/pope-francis-ch… Pope Francis accused sex abuse victims of slandering a Catholic bishop they said was complicit in their abuse, angering Chileans at the end of his visit to the South …Mai mult
Pope Francis accused sex abuse victims of slandering a Catholic bishop they said was complicit in their abuse, angering Chileans at the end of his visit to the South American nation.
The pope’s shocking comment referred to Bishop Juan Barros, whom victims and advocates condemned for covering up sex crimes committed by Rev. Fernando Karadima. The scandal has rocked Chilean trust in the Catholic Church.
Until he saw proof that Barros was complicit, the pope said on Thursday, accusations against him were “all calumny,” or false slander against his reputation .Chileans were angered when Pope Francis named Barros the bishop of the southern diocese of Osorno in 2015, so much so that many Catholics and priests in the diocese refuse to recognize him as their bishop and mounted a protest when he arrived to his post. The pope called the controversy in Osorno “stupid” but looked to smooth things over during his visit this week.
Uncle Joe
Dear Jim, A poll by Santiago-based think tank Latinobarometro this month showed that the number of Chileans calling themselves Catholics fell to 45 …Mai mult
Dear Jim,
A poll by Santiago-based think tank Latinobarometro this month showed that the number of Chileans calling themselves Catholics fell to 45 percent last year, from 74 percent in 1995. www.reuters.com/…/pope-francis-ar…
Is this the result of Communist influence or something more? Communism is surely the enemy of Catholicism or any other religion. But, is it the main cause of the decline of Roman Catholicism in Chile? Has the abuse scandal and coverups had an impact as it has around the world?
Abortion in all forms is still illegal and heavily criticized in Chile. I've read that churches look out over almost every plaza and the majority of Chileans celebrate Easter and Christmas.
However, underneath these devout Catholic characteristics lies a culture that has deviated from this once strong Spanish religious influence. While Chile may be culturally and politically Catholic, the majority of its citizens are not practicing nor do they believe in Catholic doctrines or thought. The …Mai mult
Uncle Joe
Dear Jim, As a non Chilean I can only look from afar and attempt to draw a few conclusions about what occurred in your country several days ago. As …Mai mult
Dear Jim,
As a non Chilean I can only look from afar and attempt to draw a few conclusions about what occurred in your country several days ago. As you've written, who knows what Juan Barros did or did not do years ago? However, given the abuse scandals that have rocked the Church worldwide, one could justifiably ask whether it was prudent to appoint such a man bishop who was surrounded by controversy when there were other choices that could have been made by Francis.
But the hits keep on coming from this pope. Giving an honor to an abortion rights activist, an obvious PR move of marring a couple on a plane, praise for communism ("it is communists who think like Christians") and now this. I don’t remember any pontiff speaking or acting like this man, Francis. His whole pontificate has been a confusing hash of leftist politics and little spiritual guidance beyond contradictory statements.
Add to it is Francis' belligerence and 'in your face' tone when his pastoral mask slipped a little …Mai mult
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Uncle Joe

Cognitive Assessment for the Hierarchy?

On January 10, 2018 a physical and cognitive examination was given to President Donald Trump. The results were presented in an hour long Q & A session with the loons in the American press corps yesterday …Mai mult
On January 10, 2018 a physical and cognitive examination was given to President Donald Trump. The results were presented in an hour long Q & A session with the loons in the American press corps yesterday, January 16, 2018. I am including the cognitive assessment portion of the test here.
Although physical exams are undoubtedly given to the hierarchy in the Catholic Church, we never hear about the results of those tests especially in such an open and transparent forum as was President Trump's results.
Without offering my own personal opinion or speculation, what do YOU think would be the results if bishops, cardinal electors and, indeed, the Pope were to take a cognitive test.
Incidentally, President Trump got all 30 out of 30 correct.
Uncle Joe
A small twist to the cognitive testing..Every priest in every parish would have their own section of the parish website where each priest would list …Mai mult
A small twist to the cognitive testing..Every priest in every parish would have their own section of the parish website where each priest would list his CV, IQ, grade point average in school, years in ministry etc. In addition, those pages would include testimonials from laity who attended that parish and would give their own impressions of each particular priest. If one priest is a shining star, that should be noted. If another priest is not what one would call the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, that too should be indicated. 👌
Are the priest's sermons 10 minutes or less? Are those sermons interesting or will he put you to sleep? Is he active in parish functions or not? Have his sermons touched upon the crucial issues of the times such as but not limited to artificial birth control, abortion, homosexuality and so on? 👌
In larger parishes, each priest would list the times of the masses that he will be offering on the following Sunday or holiday. In that way the laity could choose …Mai mult
@Uncle Joe , not having English as mother tongue may result is much poorer values either for Catholic hierarchy members or myself - eg. I am not aware …Mai mult
@Uncle Joe , not having English as mother tongue may result is much poorer values either for Catholic hierarchy members or myself - eg. I am not aware of the Hungarian version of this test that could help...
Your last question is more than a theoretic one, furthermore who am I decide in this matter?
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Uncle Joe

Happy Feast of the Ass

The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum or asinaria festa, French: Fête de l’âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on January 14, celebrating the Flight into Egypt. Fleeing persecution …Mai mult
The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum or asinaria festa, French: Fête de l’âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on January 14, celebrating the Flight into Egypt.
Fleeing persecution at the hands of Roman authorities, the Holy Family takes refuge in Egypt. Joseph dozes beside a dying campfire while his donkey grazes on sparse desert grass. At left sleep the Virgin Mary and infant Christ, crowned with a halo of light. They lie in the arms of a sphinx, its eyes turned to the heavens, where the first stars begin to appear. A successful Academic artist, Merson never traveled to North Africa, but his use of archeological detail creates the illusion of an eyewitness account, breathing new life into a time-honored subject.
Uncle Joe
It is painfully obvious that the Catholics who have offered their critical analysis of the artwork depicted with this post have absolutely no clue with …Mai mult
It is painfully obvious that the Catholics who have offered their critical analysis of the artwork depicted with this post have absolutely no clue with respect to the visual arts including but not limited to art history and art appreciation.
For the “it's gotta be Catholic all the time all stars” you need to keep in mind that not everything in this world is or has been written, produced, manufactured or, in this case, painted, by - unlike you super catholics - a traditional Roman Catholic who attends the Latin Rite mass, who loathes Pope Francis and who has a visceral contempt for anything and anyone who is not Catholic or who might suggest something that could be misconstrued as being offensive to Catholics. There are numerous benign things and events in this world that will offend your delicate uninformed sensibilities (like this painting included above) but, guess what, too bad. Get over yourselves and your narrow mindedness. The world is bigger than your own limited ideas concerning …Mai mult
Uncle Joe
Rafał during his life here on earth was always portrayed and symbolized by true Catholics as alert, vigilant and cautious man So then, Joseph never …Mai mult
during his life here on earth was always portrayed and symbolized by true Catholics as alert, vigilant and cautious man
So then, Joseph never slept??
For this reason a sleeping Joseph whilst a pagan deity - caring god - cares over Mary and Infant Jesus peacefully sleeping in his arms is a fake depiction.
Imagine yourself for a moment in the same situation. There is no “safe” place. You are in a foreign land with who knows what kind of dangers lurking in the black night. I doubt that Mary and the Child literally did sleep under the sphnix but so what if they did? It would have been the most prudent thing to do under those circumstances.
blasphemous art
Don't confuse this piece with “blasphemous art” It is a beautiful work of art I and a prominent museum in the States agree.
I would suggest more piety, humbleness and Catholic dialogue (which only very few users know how) You should first follow your own recommendation before offering “advise” to others. You, I and little Joey disagree …Mai mult
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Uncle Joe

Cardinal Burke calls resignation of BXVI into question

In a December 21st interview with the newspaper of the Diocese of Macau (China), Cardinal Raymond Burke was asked to comment on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. LinkMai mult
In a December 21st interview with the newspaper of the Diocese of Macau (China), Cardinal Raymond Burke was asked to comment on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.
Rafał_Ovile Actually, as a layman, you have the duty of making your concerns known to your bishop and to the Pope. I would suggest, though, that in …Mai mult
Rafał_Ovile Actually, as a layman, you have the duty of making your concerns known to your bishop and to the Pope. I would suggest, though, that in the matter validity of the Papal election we keep our opinions to ourselves. It is certianly way above my pay grade. We will answer for every word to the Lord Himself especially those that may cause others to lose their faith. Outside of writing directly to the HF then there is only prayer and sacrifice. We can entrust ourselves to the Lord and His Immaculate Mother and wait for them to act.
BrTom what can a laymen without juridical authority "do"? As far as I know a lay person may only opinion orally and writtenly on basis of CL 212. …Mai mult
BrTom what can a laymen without juridical authority "do"? As far as I know a lay person may only opinion orally and writtenly on basis of CL 212. Opinion and pray.
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Uncle Joe

Facebook Takes Down 'Warriors for Christ' Page Citing Policy on Bullying, Hate Speech

Facebook has unpublished the Facebook page associated with the pre-denominational Christian ministry "Warriors for Christ," an organization that opposes homosexuality and abortion, on grounds that it …Mai mult
Facebook has unpublished the Facebook page associated with the pre-denominational Christian ministry "Warriors for Christ," an organization that opposes homosexuality and abortion, on grounds that it violated its community standards on bullying and hate speech.
Penkoski (Pastor Rich Penkoski) said in an interview with The Christian Post on Monday that his organization's Christian beliefs are being censored by Facebook because a number of LGBT activists who follow Warriors for Christ on social media had lodged complaints. "We can't even use the term 'LGBT' in any context whatsoever or else it immediately gets flagged and banned. If we type those four letters out in our page, it gets removed," Penkoski said. Link
Warrior for Christ Facebook guy hates on Catholics. No loss. People should stop using Facebook. Let it become the cesspool of depravity it's owners want …Mai mult
Warrior for Christ Facebook guy hates on Catholics. No loss. People should stop using Facebook. Let it become the cesspool of depravity it's owners want it to be. It will destroy itself sooner or later. People just need to stop using it.
Uncle Joe

Former Muslims who became christians write to His Holiness Pope Francis

More than 1,700 converts from Islam to Christianity have signed an open letter - Link - to Pope Francis, protesting the Pontiff’s public statements affirming the value of the Muslim faith. “Don’t …Mai mult
More than 1,700 converts from Islam to Christianity have signed an open letter - Link - to Pope Francis, protesting the Pontiff’s public statements affirming the value of the Muslim faith. “Don’t your words shed doubt on the solid basis for the choice we have made?” the converts ask.
Uncle Joe
Excerpt from the letter: "If Islam is in itself a good religion, as you seem to teach, why did we become Catholic?" they ask. "Do not your words question …Mai mult
Excerpt from the letter:
"If Islam is in itself a good religion, as you seem to teach, why did we become Catholic?" they ask. "Do not your words question the goodness of the choice we made … at the risk of our lives?"
Church Militant
Go along and sign the petition!
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Uncle Joe

Top 10 Reasons Students Should Attend the March for Life

Anyone who has ever attended the March for Life knows that it’s the pro-life generation which makes up the fast and energetic majority of marchers braving the cold to be a voice for the voiceless. So …Mai mult
Anyone who has ever attended the March for Life knows that it’s the pro-life generation which makes up the fast and energetic majority of marchers braving the cold to be a voice for the voiceless. So here are the top 10 reasons to head to the nation’s capital January 19 and stand with Students for Life of America and the #pro-life generation. Link
Uncle Joe
I couldn't find "Top 10 Reasons Bishops Should Attend the March for Life". However, I did stumble across this and, of course, there's this. 🤨
Don Reto Nay
I am waiting for the article: "Top 10 Reasons Bishops Should Attend the March for Life".
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Uncle Joe
Pope circulates Nagasaki image under heading, ‘The fruit of war’ Francis, for this holiday period, asked that a small card be printed and distributed, which on its reverse side carries the inscription …Mai mult
Pope circulates Nagasaki image under heading, ‘The fruit of war’
Francis, for this holiday period, asked that a small card be printed and distributed, which on its reverse side carries the inscription, “The fruit of war,” running above the pope’s signature.
The front side of the card displays a picture taken by American photographer Joseph Roger O’Donnell, a Marine who worked for four years after the atomic blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki documenting their impact. The shot shows a young Japanese boy standing in line at a crematorium with his dead younger brother on his back. Link
가입을 원합니다
Japan attacked Hawaii but was defeated, the allied powers that won World War II divided the colony ( Korean Peninsula , for 36 years) of defeated Japan.Mai mult
Japan attacked Hawaii but was defeated, the allied powers that won World War II divided the colony ( Korean Peninsula , for 36 years) of defeated Japan.
Joseph a' Christian
The pagan japanese worshipped their emporer as their god. The numerous dead japanese pagans, was a result of them fanatically offering their lives to …Mai mult
The pagan japanese worshipped their emporer as their god. The numerous dead japanese pagans, was a result of them fanatically offering their lives to the will of their false god, their emporer hirohito. The foolish japanese are still overwhelmingly pagan. If i remember correctly, in japan shintoism is the predominant spiritual beliefs, including honoring other dead japanese pagans.
Jesus teaches us that, He Is The Resurrection, He Is Life.
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Uncle Joe
Merry Christmas from Bethlehem. Jerusalem violence puts damper on Christmas in BethlehemMai mult
Merry Christmas from Bethlehem.
Jerusalem violence puts damper on Christmas in Bethlehem
thats too bad
Uncle Joe
Bishop Schneider Offers Hope Amidst Crisis Permitted by “Divine Providence” As the ecclesiastical crisis continues to deepen in 2017, I have found myself facing a certain exhaustion; a feeling that, …Mai mult
Bishop Schneider Offers Hope Amidst Crisis Permitted by “Divine Providence”
As the ecclesiastical crisis continues to deepen in 2017, I have found myself facing a certain exhaustion; a feeling that, while knowing the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, that Christ will have the final victory, there is no respite from the near-constant series of assaults from the enemies of God’s truth. I know that many of you feel the same way.
With this in mind, I reached out to Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who is not only one of the most learned and fearless prelates in the Church today, but also, in my opinion, one of the most holy. He is a man who exudes the peace of Christ, even while being among the most outspoken in his analysis of the gravity of our present situation.
In short, he seemed the perfect man to tell us: How should we handle this? Where do we go from here? In the following interview, I sought to ask him the questions I thought many of you would also wish to ask. His …Mai mult
Uncle Joe
Barrio Ratas - (Hood Rats) They are everywhere!Mai mult
Barrio Ratas - (Hood Rats)
They are everywhere!
there is one Jorje even in the guesthouse isn't it
Uncle Joe
The hood rats have arrived on Gloria.tv.
Uncle Joe
St. Peter. Why Does (Did) the Roman Catholic Church Make Latin Her Language? THE official language of our Church is Latin.Mai mult
St. Peter.
Why Does (Did) the Roman Catholic Church Make Latin Her Language?
THE official language of our Church is Latin.
Uncle Joe
Valentine's Day. 😘Mai mult
Valentine's Day.
Today, everybody (but the Catholic [New-]Church) celebrated Saint Valentine. How long will they still insist on not finding a proper date to celebrate …Mai mult
Today, everybody (but the Catholic [New-]Church) celebrated Saint Valentine. How long will they still insist on not finding a proper date to celebrate Cyrill and Method?
Well, I'm not going to deny my family the opportunity to show me affection with my favorite bittersweet chocolate, and I'll still write sweet, personalized …Mai mult
Well, I'm not going to deny my family the opportunity to show me affection with my favorite bittersweet chocolate, and I'll still write sweet, personalized verses for each of them, but otherwise I'm 100% with St. Valentine on this one!
Uncle Joe
1,4 K

‘Dancing With the Stars’ Allowed Actress to ‘Share the Light of Christ’ (Video)

Actress Candace Cameron Bure visited TheBlaze newsroom Thursday on the heels of concluding her “Dancing With the Stars” TV competition, where she praised the show as an exhilarating, yet exhausting …Mai mult
Actress Candace Cameron Bure visited TheBlaze newsroom Thursday on the heels of concluding her “Dancing With the Stars” TV competition, where she praised the show as an exhilarating, yet exhausting experience — one that allowed her to share her faith with the masses.
“I had so many people praying for me and so I say that — not praying for me to win — winning was not what it was about,” Bure told TheBlaze. “But so many people praying for me that God would just use my position to glorify him each and every week that I was on.”
Though she said her personal goal was only to make it to the 6th week of competition, Bure ended up making it to the 10th week — the show’s season finale — this past Thursday, finishing third out of a cast of 12 actors, musicians and Olympians who were fiercely competing for the win.
Bure caught a flurry of media attention in March when she defended her Christian faith on the show and refused to compromise her values, sparking droves of supporters — and …Mai mult
Uncle Joe

Restraining orders

Photo ~ Preparations were well under way at Manger Square in Bethlehem ahead of the Pope's visit The Pope will be accompanied by a rabbi and an imam - friends from his native Argentina - and hopes to …Mai mult
Photo ~ Preparations were well under way at Manger Square in Bethlehem ahead of the Pope's visit
The Pope will be accompanied by a rabbi and an imam - friends from his native Argentina - and hopes to improve relations between Christians, Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land.
His journey comes only a few weeks after the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed.
Israel has issued restraining orders against several Jewish right-wing activists this week over concerns that they could try to disrupt the visit.
Police said offensive "anti-Christian graffiti" was discovered on the wall of a church in the southern city of Beersheba on Friday.
The Pope's journey marks the 50th anniversary of the historic meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and the head of the Orthodox Church, Patriarch Athenagoras.
The meeting ended 900 years of separation and enduring antagonism between the Eastern and Western branches of Christianity.
Pope Francis will be the fourth leader of the Roman Catholic …Mai mult