Pierre Henri
etirol 𝕊 @MEtirol Serbia's President Vucic gives a dark outlook -All signs point to a major war in Europe “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station …More
etirol 𝕊
Serbia's President Vucic gives a dark outlook -All signs point to a major war in Europe “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped. No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything, everything is at stake. In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war.”
PCTV Headlines
PCTV Headline News 6/11/24
Carlo Acutis’ Mother: ‘My Son Was Just an Average Kid’ One person has been excitedly awaiting Carlo Acutis’ canonization for years. She's the person who knew him best and has been a big promoter of …More
Carlo Acutis’ Mother: ‘My Son Was Just an Average Kid’
One person has been excitedly awaiting Carlo Acutis’ canonization for years. She's the person who knew him best and has been a big promoter of his sainthood cause. Antonia Salzano, Carlo's mother. She sat down for an exclusive interview with Currents News to talk about the recent updates on his canonization.
David Michael Emeth
Bernada Fernandez: 5 dní v Nebi a Pekle ‼️‼️More
Bernada Fernandez:
5 dní v Nebi a Pekle
Liam Ronan
@David Michael Emeth Očistec je naukou katolické církve. "Proto je svatá a zdravá myšlenka modlit se za mrtvé, aby byli osvobozeni od hříchů." 2 …More
@David Michael Emeth Očistec je naukou katolické církve.
"Proto je svatá a zdravá myšlenka modlit se za mrtvé, aby byli osvobozeni od hříchů." 2 Makabejští 12:46
Připomenutí: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society
David Michael Emeth
Shlédněte to, katolíci, je tam jasně řečeno, že žádný očistec není, že je to Ďáblův výmysl...‼️
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Queens Students Visit Blessed Carlo Acutis Statue During Lesson on Soon-To-Be Saint Blessed Carlo Acutis is a household name at St. Joseph Catholic Academy. Not only is he being taught in classrooms, …More
Queens Students Visit Blessed Carlo Acutis Statue During Lesson on Soon-To-Be Saint
Blessed Carlo Acutis is a household name at St. Joseph Catholic Academy. Not only is he being taught in classrooms, but an image of the Italian teen is featured within their parish. In honor of his latest advancement to sainthood, the kids took a trip to the statue to connect even further to this future saint.
Nuns to Travel Entire Pilgrimage, Sisters Update Thousands of Followers on Journey Catholics across the country are encouraged to join the pilgrimage at any point in the journey, but four nuns are taking …More
Nuns to Travel Entire Pilgrimage, Sisters Update Thousands of Followers on Journey
Catholics across the country are encouraged to join the pilgrimage at any point in the journey, but four nuns are taking up the challenge to travel the entire route. These women, from the order "Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love," said they felt called to travel the Seton Route since they first heard about it. However, when they reached out to the Congress about being perpetual pilgrims, they found out it was only for young people. Later, they talked to the priest in charge of the Northeast journey, who said they could join as long as they had a support vehicle. Merely hours later, the nuns received the donation they needed to make that happen. Since then, they have been happily traveling alongside the pilgrims and updating their more than 10,000 followers on social media.
Christ The King
No Right To Hurt Our Children The Catholic StateMore
No Right To Hurt Our Children
The Catholic State
The Mystical Body of Antichrist | Fulton Sheen Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/channel/UCbgdypwXSo0GzWSVTaiMPJg Sponsored by Devout Decals devoutdecals.com Sources: returntotradition.orgMore
The Mystical Body of Antichrist | Fulton Sheen
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Christian Candidate Sues Lib Dems, Petition Gains Momentum SWNews Former BBC journalist and deselected Liberal Democrat candidate David Campanale is suing his party for alleged discrimination over his …More
Christian Candidate Sues Lib Dems, Petition Gains Momentum SWNews
Former BBC journalist and deselected Liberal Democrat candidate David Campanale is suing his party for alleged discrimination over his Christian faith, citing instances of being "mocked and abused" for his beliefs. With over 20,000 signatures on a petition calling for his reinstatement and support from bishops, the case highlights concerns about religious discrimination in UK politics.
Missouri Creoles speaking Illinois Country French Missouri Creoles from Ste.Genevieve, Missouri speaking & singing in French. The French dialect of Missouri is also called Paw-Paw French, Illinois …More
Missouri Creoles speaking Illinois Country French
Missouri Creoles from Ste.Genevieve, Missouri speaking & singing in French. The French dialect of Missouri is also called Paw-Paw French, Illinois Country French, and Missouri French.
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Clip from Dennis Stroughmatt, Créole du Missouri, chante la Guignolée:
Dennis Stroughmatt, Créole du Missouri, chante la Guignolée
Cajun French, Cajun Accent, Louisiana French, Louisiana Accent, Creole French, Creole Accent, Louisiana Creole, Louisianese French, Paw Paw French, Illinois French, Missouri French, Pays des Illinois, Old Mines French, Ste.Genevieve, Minnesota French, Church of Louisiana
This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important …More
This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important people, this has been known to happen for years
rafaportal shares this
Esta inteligencia artificial puede verte a través del Wi-Fi de tu módem e incluso a través de las paredes y gracias al famoso YouTuber Saulo Mundo y …More
Esta inteligencia artificial puede verte a través del Wi-Fi de tu módem e incluso a través de las paredes y gracias al famoso YouTuber Saulo Mundo y lo que ha dicho sobre sus experiencias con personas importantes, se sabe que esto ocurre desde hace años
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The Greatest Blessing Ever Given Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-10-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul holytrinitysspmn.org You can also find Fr …More
The Greatest Blessing Ever Given
Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-10-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul holytrinitysspmn.org
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
Gab: Catholic Parents OnLine (@CatholicParentsOnLine
Gettr: Catholic Parents OnLine on GETTR
Gloria.TV: @Catholic Parents OnLine
Rumble: CatholicParentsOnLine Spiritustv: Catholic Parents OnLine | SpiritusTV Twitter: twitter.com/x/migrate?tok=7b2265223a222f436174686f6c6963506134 For access to a library of talks by Fr. Robert Altier go to: CPO Premium Streaming Media To order Fr. Altier's book, "God's Plan for Your Marriage" go to the website: God's Plan For Your Marriage Book – God's Plan For Your Marriage Book An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding of the Lamb by Father Robert Altier.
A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today @spiritualwarfareseries For Donation: Clive Einstein Geld mit PayPal.Me sendenMore
A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today
For Donation: Clive Einstein Geld mit PayPal.Me senden
Matthew [10:7-13] The Mission of the Twelve Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 10,7-13. Jesus said to his Apostles: “As you go, make this proclamation: 'The kingdom of heaven is at …More
Matthew [10:7-13] The Mission of the Twelve
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 10,7-13.

Jesus said to his Apostles: “As you go, make this proclamation: 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'
Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts;
no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep.
Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave.
As you enter a house, wish it peace. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you." Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Share the Gospel on Facebook Venerable Madeleine Delbrêl (1904-1964) missionary to the down-and-outs Joy from the mountains, Chapt. 1 ; The Joy of Believing; p. 41 The spread of peace At every street corner minor wars break …More
THE LARGEST SACRED HEART FLAG IN THE WORLD! June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus FlagMore
June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Flag
Sally Dorman
An estimated 5000 Catholics walking through Denver with the Blessed Sacrament Video: Drew Sexton
Pierre Henri
T @pepedownunder United States of Israel. RIP 🇺🇸More
United States of Israel. RIP 🇺🇸
Sean Johnson
Bought and paid for shills. Israel is a millstone around American necks.
Billy F
I stand with my Catholic Brothers and Sisters who have been wiped out since 1948 in the Holy Land. Both the Mohammadans and the Talmudic Zionists reject …More
I stand with my Catholic Brothers and Sisters who have been wiped out since 1948 in the Holy Land. Both the Mohammadans and the Talmudic Zionists reject and hate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
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De Profundis
OVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all. Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass …More
OVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all. Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).” It seems that the dam is truly breaking as this is a powerful statement from somebody with the authority to say it.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/9/24 | Trump Breaking News June 9, 2024
The Wandering Recluse
Synodality -- Decentralizing the Church and eliminating the priesthood.
The Wandering Recluse
@Anthony November True, but this time the pope himself is involved. Thanks for the comment. 🙏
Anthony November
They’ve been trying this for literally nearly a millenia. Council of Constance actually included in its official teaching that a council had more …More
They’ve been trying this for literally nearly a millenia. Council of Constance actually included in its official teaching that a council had more authority than the pope. However this was never ratified by the pope and is therefore considered invalid.