We're all Catholics in heaven. Why not start now?
Porn Actress Leaves Endless Boredom of Sin
Bree Solstad, a former pornographic film actress and producer, was received into the Church at Easter, She had announced her conversion on 1 January 2024, giving up her old boring life. On her social …More
Bree Solstad, a former pornographic film actress and producer, was received into the Church at Easter,
She had announced her conversion on 1 January 2024, giving up her old boring life.
On her social networks, she publicly declared that she had repented of her "innumerable sins" and abandoned her "life of sin, wealth, vice and vain self-obsession".
She describes herself as "a repentant sinner who has turned to Christ; a former porn actress and producer".
"I am giving up all my income and surrendering my life to Christ. Leaving behind my life of rampant sin, vice, pride, debauchery, vanity and lies to live - by God's grace - a life of truth, beauty, obedience to God's divine will, virtue and humility," she wrote on Twitter.
"Thank you Jesus for not abandoning such a wretched sinner. Thank you, Mary, Mother of God, for your immense love and comfort," she added.
Bree also insisted that "God's forgiveness and mercy are real. If someone as broken and sinful as I am can be redeemed and converted …More
She had announced her conversion on 1 January 2024, giving up her old boring life.
On her social networks, she publicly declared that she had repented of her "innumerable sins" and abandoned her "life of sin, wealth, vice and vain self-obsession".
She describes herself as "a repentant sinner who has turned to Christ; a former porn actress and producer".
"I am giving up all my income and surrendering my life to Christ. Leaving behind my life of rampant sin, vice, pride, debauchery, vanity and lies to live - by God's grace - a life of truth, beauty, obedience to God's divine will, virtue and humility," she wrote on Twitter.
"Thank you Jesus for not abandoning such a wretched sinner. Thank you, Mary, Mother of God, for your immense love and comfort," she added.
Bree also insisted that "God's forgiveness and mercy are real. If someone as broken and sinful as I am can be redeemed and converted …More
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Praised be Jesus Christ forever. From Ireland
It's all too clear... what's going on.
Almost Six Million: Cardinal Wuerl Lines His Pockets
The finances of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. are audited and published annually by an outside public accounting firm. Based on the records of these audits, Michael Haynes writes at LifeSiteNews.com …More
The finances of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. are audited and published annually by an outside public accounting firm. Based on the records of these audits, Michael Haynes writes at LifeSiteNews.com that Cardinal Donald Wuerl, 83, who retired as archbishop of Washington in May 2019, has since received gigantic allowances from his former archdiocese:
2019: $1,488,059
2020: $2,012,639
2021: $1,859,505
2022: $278,343
2023: $145,428
In five years, Wuerl has pocketed nearly $6 million. He was a strong supporter of Francis and Francis' poverty ideology, and a close ally of Cardinal McCarrick. He owes his career to John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Francis called Wuerl an "model bishop".
Picture: Donald Wuerl © James Tourtellotte, US government CC BY, #newsVdbbrvzqur
2019: $1,488,059
2020: $2,012,639
2021: $1,859,505
2022: $278,343
2023: $145,428
In five years, Wuerl has pocketed nearly $6 million. He was a strong supporter of Francis and Francis' poverty ideology, and a close ally of Cardinal McCarrick. He owes his career to John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Francis called Wuerl an "model bishop".
Picture: Donald Wuerl © James Tourtellotte, US government CC BY, #newsVdbbrvzqur
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Jeffrey Ade
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@Sally Dorman According to La Infierno he will have the opportunity to worry for all eternity! God help us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
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Baltimore Archdiocese Planning to Shutter 65% of its Parishes
Baltimore Archdiocese Planning to Shutter 65% of its Parishes
The Baltimore Archdiocese is planning to close about two-thirds of its churches in the city and county as the organization continues to be …
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Cardinal Pizzaballa Postpones His Trip to Rome
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has cancelled a planned trip to Rome to take possession of his titular church, Sant'Onofrio, on 15 April. The reason is the current …More
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has cancelled a planned trip to Rome to take possession of his titular church, Sant'Onofrio, on 15 April. The reason is the current situation in the Middle East.
The ceremony has been postponed to a date to be determined.
The church of Sant'Onofrio, built in the early 15th century, is located near the Vatican, next to the Vatican children's hospital Bambino Gesú. It has been the seat of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem since 1945.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsDlrhmwgsra
The ceremony has been postponed to a date to be determined.
The church of Sant'Onofrio, built in the early 15th century, is located near the Vatican, next to the Vatican children's hospital Bambino Gesú. It has been the seat of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem since 1945.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsDlrhmwgsra
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Quadriplegic man dies via euthanasia after developing bed sores waiting at Quebec hospital - LifeSite
Mon Apr 15, 2024 - 1:19 pm EDTMon Apr 15, 2024 - 2:35 pm EDT Send an urgent message to Canadian …
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Denis Efimov
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To prevent bedsores, the patient must be periodically turned and massaged. Any nurse can do this. Due to inadequate care in the hospital, he developed …More
To prevent bedsores, the patient must be periodically turned and massaged. Any nurse can do this. Due to inadequate care in the hospital, he developed bedsores. Which medical personnel were held accountable for this negligence? Who was arrested for this?
Sounds like he was denied basic care,not specialised care ,poor man .
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Australia: Bishop Attacked During Sermon
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel (Assyrian Church of the East affiliated to Canada) was reportedly stabbed with a pen while preaching at his church 'Christ The Good Shepard' in Wakeley, West Sydney. The attack …More
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel (Assyrian Church of the East affiliated to Canada) was reportedly stabbed with a pen while preaching at his church 'Christ The Good Shepard' in Wakeley, West Sydney.
The attack was livestreamed (below). The clergyman was taken to hospital. The attacker was tackled by worshippers before police moved in and arrested him. He injured several worshippers.
Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid hysteria by criticising the harsh lockdown measures, which he branded 'mass slavery'. In this video he talks about his visit to Gaza.
Just last Saturday, six shoppers were stabbed to death in a Sydney shopping centre.
The attack was livestreamed (below). The clergyman was taken to hospital. The attacker was tackled by worshippers before police moved in and arrested him. He injured several worshippers.
Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid hysteria by criticising the harsh lockdown measures, which he branded 'mass slavery'. In this video he talks about his visit to Gaza.
Just last Saturday, six shoppers were stabbed to death in a Sydney shopping centre.
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We need this Bishop in the Church and to shake the Church! Ave Maria
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May Almighty God bless and preserve this Holy bishop. From Ireland
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Worker Bee shares from Wilma Lopez
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel stabbed multiple times in Sydney’s west during mass!!! Here he was speaking about his trip to the Gaza strip
The Mystery of the Nun with the Suitcase (Video)
Lorenza Patricia Ramírez Barrera, 80, who dresses like a nun, has been arrested by the Chilean police after she was caught on security camera and identified as the person who left a large suitcase in …More
Lorenza Patricia Ramírez Barrera, 80, who dresses like a nun, has been arrested by the Chilean police after she was caught on security camera and identified as the person who left a large suitcase in the middle of Talavera Street in Santiago de Chile in the early hours of last Monday.
At 7.12am, a collector on an electric tricycle picked up the suitcase. But when he noticed the smell of decomposition coming from inside, he decided to leave it a few metres away.
Later, at around 10:06, another unidentified person arrived at the scene, manipulated the suitcase, then took out a big plastic bag that was inside, left it there and finally left.
It was not until 12:34 that the caretaker of the building in front of the suitcase realised that there was a body in the bag.
The suitcase contained the remains of Erica Alejandra Fernández Mora, who died of cancer in April 2023 at the age of 58.
Lorenza Patricia told the police that the two of them had been living in community as consecrated lay people …More
At 7.12am, a collector on an electric tricycle picked up the suitcase. But when he noticed the smell of decomposition coming from inside, he decided to leave it a few metres away.
Later, at around 10:06, another unidentified person arrived at the scene, manipulated the suitcase, then took out a big plastic bag that was inside, left it there and finally left.
It was not until 12:34 that the caretaker of the building in front of the suitcase realised that there was a body in the bag.
The suitcase contained the remains of Erica Alejandra Fernández Mora, who died of cancer in April 2023 at the age of 58.
Lorenza Patricia told the police that the two of them had been living in community as consecrated lay people …More
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Obviously NOT CATHOLIC - Catholics, and other Christians, bury their dead. It's a corporal work of mercy and shows belief in the resurrection of the …More
Obviously NOT CATHOLIC - Catholics, and other Christians, bury their dead. It's a corporal work of mercy and shows belief in the resurrection of the body. Only some death cult would keep a corpse around. They liars in the media know this, but use the outrageous incident to smear actual believers of Christ.
S. Benoît-Joseph Labre, pellegrino e mendicante (1748-1783) - 16 aprileMore
S. Benoît-Joseph Labre, pellegrino e mendicante (1748-1783) - 16 aprile
S. Benoît-Joseph Labre, pellegrino e mendicante (1748-1783)-16 aprile. Benedetto Giuseppe Labre nasce a Saint-Sulpice d’Amettes, in diocesi di Boulogne-sur-Mer (F) nel 1748. Nel desiderio di entrare …More
S. Benoît-Joseph Labre, pellegrino e mendicante (1748-1783)-16 aprile.
Benedetto Giuseppe Labre nasce a Saint-Sulpice d’Amettes, in diocesi di Boulogne-sur-Mer (F) nel 1748.
Nel desiderio di entrare alla Trappa, si fece pellegrino alla porta delle varie comunità francesi, ma da tutte fu rifiutato per la debole salute. Si mise allora in cammino per i diversi santuari della Francia, della Spagna e dell’Italia, pellegrino senza fissa dimora, in cerca della città futura.
Predilesse il santuario di Loreto, ed elesse infine la città di Roma come sua patria. Qui fu visto contemporaneamente in preghiera in due chiese diverse, in estasi, sollevato da terra. Dormiva fra le rovine del Colosseo, sempre dedito all’ascolto dei poveri e dei pellegrini, amico di tutti, totalmente abbandonato all’amore misericordioso del Padre.
Vagabondo di Dio, povero sulle tracce di Cristo, Benedetto Giuseppe ha vissuto una santità paradossale, al modo dei “folli per Cristo” della Chiesa orientale.
Muore il 16 aprile …More
Roman Priests: Francis Is Destroying Our Diocese
InfoVaticana.com (11 April) has obtained a harsh letter, signed anonymously by priests of the diocese of Rome, in which Francis does not come off well. The text. - "Francis sees the Church and destroys it". …More
InfoVaticana.com (11 April) has obtained a harsh letter, signed anonymously by priests of the diocese of Rome, in which Francis does not come off well. The text.
- "Francis sees the Church and destroys it".
- This is happening in 2024 and instead of a dream that revives the Church for Roman Catholicism, we are living a real nightmare.
- Francis destroys, demolishes, razes to the ground, as even Attila could not do.
- He has imported his material executor from Sicily [Bishop Baldassare Reina, 53, the Vicegerente of Rome].
- Reina is "a little man who took on the role of a giant of the law (but we know that a material executor doesn't need not be intelligent, only obedient)".
- There are many scandals: contracts awarded to friends of friends; preferential rents granted to very wealthy people; tens of thousands of euros thrown away on furniture; million-dollar loans granted to very suspicious people; all this in defiance of the truly poor, those in whom we should recognise the face of Christ. …More
- "Francis sees the Church and destroys it".
- This is happening in 2024 and instead of a dream that revives the Church for Roman Catholicism, we are living a real nightmare.
- Francis destroys, demolishes, razes to the ground, as even Attila could not do.
- He has imported his material executor from Sicily [Bishop Baldassare Reina, 53, the Vicegerente of Rome].
- Reina is "a little man who took on the role of a giant of the law (but we know that a material executor doesn't need not be intelligent, only obedient)".
- There are many scandals: contracts awarded to friends of friends; preferential rents granted to very wealthy people; tens of thousands of euros thrown away on furniture; million-dollar loans granted to very suspicious people; all this in defiance of the truly poor, those in whom we should recognise the face of Christ. …More
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Simon North
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The See of Rome was well on its way to being destroyed before Francis. He's just delivering the coup de grace.
I see “Night, night, baby” (old Fatty himself, not Bergoglio) in the picture.
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BRITAIN ‘IMMEDIATELY’ SUPPORTED U.S. OVER SHOOTING DOWN OF IRANIAN AIRLINER In 1988, a US Navy warship shot down an Iranian airliner, killing all 290 civilians on board. Newly declassified files show …More
In 1988, a US Navy warship shot down an Iranian airliner, killing all 290 civilians on board. Newly declassified files show how Margaret Thatcher’s gov
In 1988, a US Navy warship shot down an Iranian airliner, killing all 290 civilians on board. Newly declassified files show how Margaret Thatcher’s gov
Britain ‘immediately’ supported U.S. over shooting down of Iranian airliner
In 1988, a US Navy warship shot down an Iranian airliner, killing all 290 civilians on board. Newly declassified files show …
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Jeffrey Ade
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More egregious American military actions against the innocent! Here in the US, we will have Hell to pay! God help us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us,…More
More egregious American military actions against the innocent! Here in the US, we will have Hell to pay! God help us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, and save us!
Archbishop Gänswein to Lithuania?
Francis has allegedly thought of appointing Archbishop Georg Gänswein as nuncio to the Baltic countries, namely to the nunciature in Vilnius, Lithuania, which also covers neighbouring Estonia and Latvia …More
Francis has allegedly thought of appointing Archbishop Georg Gänswein as nuncio to the Baltic countries, namely to the nunciature in Vilnius, Lithuania, which also covers neighbouring Estonia and Latvia, reports Corriere.it, citing Roman sources.
Until a month ago, Archbishop Petar Rajič, a Canadian of Bosnian-Croatian descent, was nuncio to the three countries. He was promoted on 11 March and is now nuncio to Italy.
If Francis were to make Gänswein a nuncio, he would be appointing as his official representative a person he considers his enemy and whom he slandered in his recent book.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsXfvkwshbff
Until a month ago, Archbishop Petar Rajič, a Canadian of Bosnian-Croatian descent, was nuncio to the three countries. He was promoted on 11 March and is now nuncio to Italy.
If Francis were to make Gänswein a nuncio, he would be appointing as his official representative a person he considers his enemy and whom he slandered in his recent book.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsXfvkwshbff
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This will be a great blessing for him! Vilnius is one of the key places where St. Faustina received the Divine Mercy revelations from Our Lord! The …More
This will be a great blessing for him! Vilnius is one of the key places where St. Faustina received the Divine Mercy revelations from Our Lord! The Vilius image of the Divine Mercy was the one that St. Faustina said looked most like what she saw during the apparitions of Our Lord to her.
When I was in high school, a friend of Lithuanian descent taught me how to say "good morning," "Merry Christmas," and "go to Hell" in Lithuanian. Maybe …More
When I was in high school, a friend of Lithuanian descent taught me how to say "good morning," "Merry Christmas," and "go to Hell" in Lithuanian. Maybe one of those phrases would come in handy if Archbishop Gänswein has to meet with Francis.
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"Toleration is valued more than truth. Pope Benedict XVI just prior to his election called it a "dictatorship of relativism."
Library : They Just Won't Go Away: Ancient Heresies in Post-Modern Dress
They Just Won't Go Away: Ancient Heresies in Post-Modern Dress With strange names like Arianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, …catholicculture.org
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Rockville Center Diocese Wants to End Bankruptcy Without Sex Abuse Deal
Rockville Center Diocese Wants to End Bankruptcy Without Sex Abuse Deal
A Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York has asked a judge to end its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, after failing to get support from …
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Five youths of Turkish origin are arrested after one of them shouted “Allah Akbar” during a classical …
Skip to content At around 5.45pm, five young men stormed into the church building, where one of them …
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Broadcast Circulation shares from Irapuato
This is "the reason" (?) Bishop Mar Mari is attacked and stabbed in Sydney, Australia worlddiscussionMore
This is "the reason" (?) Bishop Mar Mari is attacked and stabbed in Sydney, Australia
The collapse of Christianity has broken the moral backbone of entire societies. The Holy Spirit is the Truth and so the closure to God has resulted in total confusion with no distinction between what …More
The collapse of Christianity has broken the moral backbone of entire societies. The Holy Spirit is the Truth and so the closure to God has resulted in total confusion with no distinction between what is good and what is evil.
The concept of the lesser evil has been created, which in practice has resulted in people voting for election promises knowing that they will not be fulfilled. A person who kills, for example, two people is just as much a murderer as one who kills a thousand, but in today’s moral consciousness, or rather unconsciousness, it looks different. When choosing the lesser evil, people vote for those who allow abortion under certain conditions, i.e. for those who allow the murder of a slightly smaller number of children.
The Lord Jesus said briefly YES-YES, NO-NO, and everything in between comes from Satan only the problem is that no one listens to the words of God anymore, only man. Some politician or member of the Vatican administration who no longer has anything to do …More
The concept of the lesser evil has been created, which in practice has resulted in people voting for election promises knowing that they will not be fulfilled. A person who kills, for example, two people is just as much a murderer as one who kills a thousand, but in today’s moral consciousness, or rather unconsciousness, it looks different. When choosing the lesser evil, people vote for those who allow abortion under certain conditions, i.e. for those who allow the murder of a slightly smaller number of children.
The Lord Jesus said briefly YES-YES, NO-NO, and everything in between comes from Satan only the problem is that no one listens to the words of God anymore, only man. Some politician or member of the Vatican administration who no longer has anything to do …More
Road of Perdition – Conservativism
Many people ask themselves how it happened that the Conservatives wing today is practically non-existent. Everyone seems to have realised by now that all the corporations …
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