
Vatican Newspaper Praises Talmud

The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano (December 29) has uncritically praised a new Italian edition of the Talmud as “teaching of the masters of Israel”.

The Talmud is a collection of often legalistic Jewish writings from the Christian area. It claims, for instance, that Jesus Christ practiced “magic” and “sorcery”. Our Lady was “unfaithful to her husband”. Christ is now in hell ”boiling in excrement”.

Picture: © Chajm Guski, CC BY-SA, #newsYomukutinn
Hereby some satanic verses from the Babylonian talmud:
Source: www.realjewnews.com (Brother Nathanael)
Anmerkungen: Yashu=Jesus, Miriam= Maria, Goy (Goyim)=Nichtjude(n)
* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty …More
Hereby some satanic verses from the Babylonian talmud:
Source: www.realjewnews.com (Brother Nathanael)
Anmerkungen: Yashu=Jesus, Miriam= Maria, Goy (Goyim)=Nichtjude(n)
* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.”(Gittin 57a)
[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)
Manuel Gabriel
Vatican is infiltrated by zionists and freemason scums...Saint Michael archangel, please hep us to remove these devils from the Rome !!!
>>>"...We, the descendents of Abraham according to our faith in you, the one God,
Jews, Christians and Muslims, humbly stand before you and with trust we pray to you ..."<<<
Must be a very ambiguous evil spirit that these alleged "Christians" worship, certainly not the true and holy God, because everyone knows that the Talmud Jews and the Muslims do not worship the same …More
>>>"...We, the descendents of Abraham according to our faith in you, the one God,
Jews, Christians and Muslims, humbly stand before you and with trust we pray to you ..."<<<
Must be a very ambiguous evil spirit that these alleged "Christians" worship, certainly not the true and holy God, because everyone knows that the Talmud Jews and the Muslims do not worship the same God as we do as Catholic Christians...
Only the Messianic Jews are an exception, because they also believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Messiah=Christ, while the rest of the people are still waiting for another Messiah.
Joseph a' Christian
Jew rabbis promote hatred for Christians:
"Sexual intercourse between gentiles is like intercourse between animals". (Talmud/Sanhedrin 74b)
Jesus The Son Of Almighty God, teaches us that jews do not believe in Him, because jews are satanic. (Testimony of John)More
Jew rabbis promote hatred for Christians:
"Sexual intercourse between gentiles is like intercourse between animals". (Talmud/Sanhedrin 74b)

Jesus The Son Of Almighty God, teaches us that jews do not believe in Him, because jews are satanic. (Testimony of John)
The Talmud teaches that Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is in hell in boiling excrement. The Vatican newspaper praises the Talmud. Put two and two together.
Excrements uncritically wrapped in the Osservatore? No news