
The Cardinals Have Been Asked to Admonish Confused Francis

In an unprecedented move, 45 Catholic academics and clergy have signed an Appeal to the Cardinals, urging them to tell Pope Francis that he must teach the true Catholic doctrine concerning capital punishment.

The appeal follows an addition to the Catechism of the Catholic Church announced by Francis on August 2.

The confusingly worded addition has been understood to say that capital punishment is intrinsically immoral. Such a claim runs contrary to the Bible and the Church's teaching.

Catholics hold that the Pope has no right to invent new doctrines, or to contradict the Church's teaching.

The petition reminds the cardinals that they have a serious obligation to warn Francis to withdraw the offending paragraph, and that he must not "adulterate the word of God".

It does not insist that capital punishment must always be used in practice for the worst crimes, since this is a matter which Catholics may freely debate, rather it insists on the legitimacy of the death penalty in principle.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsWnckjdmrhg
Maybe he's worried that it might somewhere along the line be served upon himself!
This is not broadcast much - not many people think it's important. A request was made early in the 20th century for the Pope to Consecrate RUSSIA to the Immaculate heart of Mary. Although Rome say it was done - many people don't see how it could have been, since nobody ever bothers to mention the word "Russia" during …More
Maybe he's worried that it might somewhere along the line be served upon himself!

This is not broadcast much - not many people think it's important. A request was made early in the 20th century for the Pope to Consecrate RUSSIA to the Immaculate heart of Mary. Although Rome say it was done - many people don't see how it could have been, since nobody ever bothers to mention the word "Russia" during the entire ritual.... As well as this, Instead of the requested"Consecration" (a biblical Sacred and Holy Ritual) they perform an unbiblical "entrustment" which is not anything like a "Consecration" Rome says it will do!.... & apparantly they hope that it should fulfil Our Lord's request, but according to the Fatima scholars it is a no-hoper, since during the procedure for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary " The word"Russia" is never used - nor equally sinister in import, is the word "Consecration"

In regards to that request, Our Lord after a brief period eventually requested that the Pope hurry up! He said to Sr Lucia of Fatima at her Convent in Tuy during 1929.

‘Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune."

This was very similar to a request made by Our Lord to King Louis XIV through St Margaret Mary on 17th June 1689. King Louis was formally requested to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - A further request being that to please Our Lord the King must have the emblem of the Sacred Heart placed upon all the King's Royal Standards. King Louis XIV ignored the request - as did his son, .... until exactly 100 years to the day that the formal request had been made to King Louis XIV, ie: on 17th June 1789, his descendant, King Louis XVI was stripped by the Court of his authority and eventually beheaded. King Louis XVI performed the Act of Consecration whilst in his prison cell, but it was too late to save his life.

See here.....

Also here a beautiful film of the story of the Fatima Apparitions

Newman on capital punishment:
"The civil magistrate, stern of necessity in his function, and inexorable in his resolve, at her [the Church's] bidding gladly puts on a paternal countenance, and takes on him an office of mercy towards the victim of his wrath. He infuses the ministry of life into the ministry of death; he afflicts the body for the good of the soul, and converts the penalty of human …More
Newman on capital punishment:
"The civil magistrate, stern of necessity in his function, and inexorable in his resolve, at her [the Church's] bidding gladly puts on a paternal countenance, and takes on him an office of mercy towards the victim of his wrath. He infuses the ministry of life into the ministry of death; he afflicts the body for the good of the soul, and converts the penalty of human law into an instrument of everlasting bliss.
"It is good for human beings to die as infants, before they have known good or evil, if they have but received the baptism of the Church; but next to these, who are the happiest, who are the safest, for whose departure have we more cause to rejoice, and be thankful, than for theirs, who, if they live on, are so likely to relapse into old habits of sin, but who are taken out of this miserable world in the flower of their contrition and in the freshness of their preparation;—just at the very moment when they have perfected themselves in good dispositions, and from their heart have put off sin, and have come humbly for pardon, and have received the grace of absolution, and have been fed with the bread of Angels, and thus amid the prayers of all men have departed to their Maker and their Judge? I say, "the prayers of all:" for oh the difference, in this respect, in the execution of the extreme sentence of the law, between a Catholic State and another!
"We have all heard of the scene of impiety and profaneness which attends on the execution of a criminal in England; so much so, that benevolent and thoughtful men are perplexed between the evil of privacy and the outrages which publicity occasions. Well, England surpasses Rome in ten thousand matters of this world, but never would the Holy City tolerate an enormity which powerful England cannot hinder. An arch-confraternity was instituted there at the close of the fifteenth century, under the invocation of San Giovanni Decollato, that Holy Baptist, who lost his head by a king's sentence, though an unjust one; and it exercises its pious offices towards condemned criminals even now.
"When a culprit is to be executed, the night preceding the fatal day, two priests of the brotherhood, who sometimes happen to be Bishops or persons of high authority in the city, remain with him in prayer, attend him on the scaffold the next morning, and assist him through every step of the terrible ceremonial of which he is the subject. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in all the churches all over the city, that the faithful may assist a sinner about to make a compulsory appearance before his Judge. The crowd about the scaffold is occupied in but one thought, whether he has shown signs of contrition. Various reports are in circulation, that he is obdurate, that he has yielded, that he is obdurate still. The women cry out that it is impossible; Jesus and Mary will see to it; they will not believe that it is so; they are sure that he will submit himself to his God before he enters into His presence.
"However, it is perhaps confirmed that the unhappy man is still wrestling with his pride and hardness of heart, and though he has that illumination of faith which a Catholic cannot but possess, yet he cannot bring himself to hate and abhor sins, which, except in their awful consequences, are, as far as their enjoyment, gone from him for ever. He cannot taste again the pleasure of revenge or of forbidden indulgence, yet he cannot get himself to give it up, though the world is passing from him.
"The excitement of the crowd is at its height: an hour passes; the suspense is intolerable, when the news is brought of a change; that before the Crucifix, in the solitude of his cell, at length the—unhappy no longer—the happy criminal has subdued himself; has prayed with real self-abasement; has expressed, has felt a charitable, a tender thought, towards those he has hated; has resigned himself lovingly to his destiny; has blessed the hand that smites him; has supplicated pardon; has confessed with all his heart, and placed himself at the disposal of his Priest, to make such amends as he can make in his last hour to God and man; has even desired to submit here to indignity, to pain, to which he is not sentenced; has taken on himself any length of purgatory hereafter, if thereby he may now, through God's mercy, show his sincerity, and his desire of pardon and of gaining the lowest place in the kingdom of Heaven.
"The news comes; it is communicated through the vast multitude all at once; and, I have heard from those who have been present, never shall they forget the instantaneous shout of joy which burst forth from every tongue, and formed itself into one concordant act of thanksgiving in acknowledgment of the grace vouchsafed to one so near eternity" (Difficulties of Anglicans, lecture 8).
Lisi Sterndorfer
“A true development, then, may be described as one which is conservative of the course of antecedent developments ... which illustrates, not obscures, corroborates, not corrects, the body of thought from which it proceeds.”
Al Sumo Pontífice, no hay necesidad de levantarle la voz ni ir contra su voluntad, puesto que su VOLUNTAD ES LA DE DIOS..., cualquiera que osara ir contra la voluntad del Papa, no sería un católico, sino un hereje cismático. Esto vale para aquel que hace de VICARIO DE CRISTO EN LA TIERRA, que confirma la misma doctrina, que la defiende, que habla en Nombre de Dios, que no está sujeto a las "…More
Al Sumo Pontífice, no hay necesidad de levantarle la voz ni ir contra su voluntad, puesto que su VOLUNTAD ES LA DE DIOS..., cualquiera que osara ir contra la voluntad del Papa, no sería un católico, sino un hereje cismático. Esto vale para aquel que hace de VICARIO DE CRISTO EN LA TIERRA, que confirma la misma doctrina, que la defiende, que habla en Nombre de Dios, que no está sujeto a las "sorpresas de un espíritu..." Que no es el Espíritu santo.
Bergoglio no tiene estas prerrogativas, no habla ni enseña, ni confirma la verdadera doctrina... No tiene carácter Papal, y no es asistido por el Espíritu Santo... Su falso magisterio enseña la confusión, enfrenta a cardenales, favorece homosexuales, premia a pro-abortistas... es un falso papa, un impostor.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
El bergoglianismo la IMPOSTURA del anticristo que nos advierte el Catecismo.
Gesù è con noi
‘El Papa NO es un monarca absoluto cuya voluntad tenga valor de LEY’
Vean como EDGARIUS idolatra tanto a Bergoglio que lo describe no como a un papa sino como a un TIRANO.
EDGARIUS hace 2 horas
A los cardenales se les pidió que reprendan a Francisco
Sr. Anacleto de la corrección de Pablo a Pedro han pasado casi 2000 años, ahora las cosas han cambiado al Santo …More
‘El Papa NO es un monarca absoluto cuya voluntad tenga valor de LEY’
Vean como EDGARIUS idolatra tanto a Bergoglio que lo describe no como a un papa sino como a un TIRANO.

EDGARIUS hace 2 horas

A los cardenales se les pidió que reprendan a Francisco

Sr. Anacleto de la corrección de Pablo a Pedro han pasado casi 2000 años, ahora las cosas han cambiado al Santo Padre, ahora nadie le alza la voz, y no se le corrige se le aconseja, y finalmente se hace lo que el dice. Así las cosas, abra quien esté o no de acuerdo, pero ahora en la Iglesia Católica, las cosas son así y así se mantendrán por largo tiempo.
Joseph a' Christian
Admonish a blasphemer? They will have the same affect as admonishing a black shoe.
False Francis is death. - Our Christ Jesus Is Life.
De Profundis
“Many of us, myself included, signed this appeal not principally because we want capital punishment to be employed, but because the new wording is ... causing a critical level of doctrinal and moral confusion.”
Dr Bobus
Maybe it's time for the Roman Solution.
A group of 45 Catholic academic and clergy wanting Francis admonished is unprecedented? I don't know. I find myself saying, "No surprise - what is it THIS time?" He's like the space shuttle: Many said launches would become so commonplace no one would even pay attention anymore.
“Since the present Roman pontiff has now more than once publicly manifested his refusal to teach this doctrine … we hereby call upon Your Eminences to advise His Holiness that it is his duty to put an end to this scandal"
To insist doctrine doesn't matter is really a doctrine itself.
The difficulty of explaining "why I am a Catholic" is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.
Pope St Pius V had a few hanged after a fair trial.
Christ Jesus imposed Capital Punishment on Pedophiles in the clergy when He said: It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around "their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." Luke 17:2
Sound of crickets, according to Rosica what matters now is the word of Frank, not the Word of God, and the teachings of His undoubted pastors.