
IMPORTANT - Changes in Gloria.tv

In the coming days there will be changes in Gloria.tv. Gloria.tv will be better arranged. The opening page will consist of two columns. On the left are videos, articles, photos and other posts, one …More
In the coming days there will be changes in Gloria.tv.
Gloria.tv will be better arranged. The opening page will consist of two columns. On the left are videos, articles, photos and other posts, one below the other. On the right are the daily video-news, the text-news and the "alerts" (see below).
Gloria.tv will be more personal. Registered users will receive "alerts" regarding their individual environment on Gloria.tv: notices of new letters, postings, new videos and likes. Gloria.tv has over 350,000 registered users. If you are not yet registered, do it now. It is to your advantage. Click here: gloria.tv/signup/.
Gloria.tv links like-minded people. The old "friends"-feature is replaced by a follow-system. There are two functions: "followers" are the users who follow me; "followed" are the users, which I will follow. The "alerts" inform me continuously about my follow-milieu.
Gloria.tv will be more transparent. With the search function I can browse not only the 900,000 media, but also …More
@GodsCowboy: Let us hope that this will not be the case. There is still the tab "Videos". There you find the list of all the videos uploaded on Gloria.tv. Perhaps it is just a matter of getting used to the new system.
I have to admit I like the index that the old system provided. I could skim through the videos and find the ones I might like to watch. This system seems to hide that feature and makes us use the system a lot less because we can't find what we might be interested in viewing. In a long run the DEVIL is putting this media OUT-OF-BUSINESS and killing GOD'S work.
I guess we have to give it a chance but I liked the old main page better and I liked my index page better too. @GodsCowboy
It would have been nice if we could have used a beta version before the new version went global. We might have learned to use it and adjust to the changes before they were dumped on us.
Chuck Lenitne
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
I guess we have to give it a chance but I liked the old main page better and I liked my index page better too. @GodsCowboy

It would have been nice if we could have used a beta version before the new version went global. We might have learned to use it and adjust to the changes before they were dumped on us.

Chuck Lenitne
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
"Gloria.tv will be more modern. The portal automatically adapts to the screen size of the device - from smartphones to PCs."
The best joke of the day Gloria.TV News on the 17th of November 2015Gloria.TV Noticias del 17 de noviembre 2015
gloria.tv for Googlebot. When for users?

"Gloria.tv will be more modern. The portal automatically adapts to the screen size of the device - from smartphones to PCs."


The best joke of the day Gloria.TV News on the 17th of November 2015Gloria.TV Noticias del 17 de noviembre 2015

gloria.tv for Googlebot. When for users?


adeste fideles
Congratulations. May God bless this effort, amén! ✍️
Gloria.tv will be more Catholic ...