
SSPX, Pope Francis "Neither Worse nor Better" Than His Predecessors

Pope Francis is neither worse nor better than the other popes after Second Vatican Council according to Father Fausto Buzzi, the assistant to the District Superior of the Society of St Pius X in Italy.

Talking to Il Giornale (February 9), Buzzi states that Francis labors in the same workshop set up by John XXIII (+1963). The goal of this workshop is according to Buzzi “the auto-demolition of the Catholic Church in order to build another”.

Buzzi claims that Francis’ words and actions only seem worse than those of his predecessors. But in reality this is not the case, “In substance the acts of Paul VI were much more serious than those of Francis.”

Picture: Fausto Buzzi, © unavox.it, #newsOyciaeliuj