Adoramus Te. "When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep. He said to Peter, "So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?" Matthew 26:40 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration …More
Adoramus Te.
"When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep. He said to Peter, "So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?" Matthew 26:40
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the many Churches that have this adoration, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance, and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and often the night. Christ's great love for us was shown when he was crucified on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and give us eternal life. He loves us without limit, and offers Himself to us in the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist. Can we not give Jesus a few minutes of love and adoration in return?
"In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host. Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, particularly …More
Monica Evelia
The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. The Miracle of Lanciano is officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a true Eucharistic Miracle. It was the first and greatest Eucharistic Miracle of the …More
The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano.
The Miracle of Lanciano is officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a true Eucharistic Miracle. It was the first and greatest Eucharistic Miracle of the Catholic Church.
This wondrous Event took place in the 8th century A.D. in the little Church of St. Legontian in Lanciano, Italy, as a divine response to a Basilian monk's doubt about Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist.
During Holy Mass, after the two-fold consecration, the host was changed into Heart Tissue Flesh and the Wine was changed into Actual Blood, which coagulated into five globules, irregular and differing in shape and size.
TES shares this
Divinity touches the Earth. Here I will save things that I find important and/or espcially beautiful. This Chaplet of Divine Mercy is both.More
Divinity touches the Earth.
Here I will save things that I find important and/or espcially beautiful. This Chaplet of Divine Mercy is both.
👏 👏 👏
The Last Mass of St Pio of Pietrelcina. The Final Mass of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) celebrated in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie on September 22, 1968, the day before his death. Padre …More
The Last Mass of St Pio of Pietrelcina.
The Final Mass of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) celebrated in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie on September 22, 1968, the day before his death.
Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione on May 25, 1887 in Pietrelcino, Italy. Raised in a pious Catholic family, Francesco entered the friary in 1903 and one year later received the Capuchin habit, taking the name Pio. He was ordained a priest and transferred to several sites until 1916, when he arrived in San Giovanni Rotondo, where he remained for the last 52 years of his life.
Padre Pio is admired for his fervant love of Christ and the Virgin Mary and is known as the great mystic of modern times.
He experienced a wide variety of supernatural abilities and miraculous events including: the reading of souls; prophecy; bilocation (being in two places at once); the odor of sanctity; discernment of spirits; living on very little sleep; miraculous healings; personal visits from Jesus and Mary; and …More
Credo (The Nicene Creed) (Latin) Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, Factórem cæli et terræ, Visibílium ómnium et invisibílium. Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum, Fílium Dei Unigénitum, Et ex …More
Credo (The Nicene Creed)
Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipoténtem,
Factórem cæli et terræ,
Visibílium ómnium et invisibílium.
Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum,
Fílium Dei Unigénitum, Et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sæcula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero, Génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri: Per quem ómnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem Descéndit de cælis. Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto Ex María Vírgine, et homo factus est. Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto; Passus, et sepúltus est, Et resurréxit tértia die, Et ascéndit in cælum, . Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória, Iudicáre vivos et mórtuos, Cuius regni non erit finis. Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem: Qui ex Patre Filióque procédit. Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur: Qui locútus est per prophétas. Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam. Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatorum. Et expecto …More
JULIAN3031 shares this
gregorian. nei momenti di paceMore
nei momenti di pace
PAX, great to have you at Gloria.tv, keep up the good work! and this excellent liturgical Latin version of the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381ad …More
PAX, great to have you at Gloria.tv, keep up the good work! and this excellent liturgical Latin version of the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381ad !!! 👍 🙂 👏
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Ave Maria (Hail Mary) Latin) Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et …More
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Ave Maria,
gratia plena,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. (English) Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen.
Pater Noster (Our Father) (Latin) Pater noster, qui es in caelis: sanctificetur Nomen Tuum; adveniat Regnum Tuum; fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie; …More
Pater Noster (Our Father)
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat voluntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie; et dimitte nobis debita nostra, Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris; et ne nos inducas in tentationem; sed libera nos a Malo (English) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen,
Against Heresy
What choir is this. They are really good! Keep up the good work, more Latin like this with the english underneath will make the Church turn back to the …More
What choir is this. They are really good! Keep up the good work, more Latin like this with the english underneath will make the Church turn back to the good old days. well done 👏
Litania Sanctorum (Letanía de los Santos) www.uCatholic.comMore
Litania Sanctorum (Letanía de los Santos)
Excelente. Amen.
Stylita shares this
Litanie. +More
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The Incorruptible Saints. According to the laws of nature, when a person dies, the body decays, becoming corrupt and withering away. But there are saints in the Catholic Tradition whose bodies have …More
The Incorruptible Saints.
According to the laws of nature, when a person dies, the body decays, becoming corrupt and withering away.
But there are saints in the Catholic Tradition whose bodies have defied all laws of science and have been preserved in ways which do not concur with the natural law.
Science is as yet unable to explain them.
There are hundreds of Saints considered to be Incorrupt. This video shows just a few.
hi, can you please update the video?
Salve Regina. English Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee to we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in …More
Salve Regina.
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.
To thee to we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping
in this valley of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Latin Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae;vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae.Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentesin hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni efficamur promissionibus Christi.
Oldest Audio & Video Footage of A Pope (Pope Leo XIII) This is the oldest known footage of a Pope in existence. This film of Pope Leo XIII was created in 1896. The audio portion is the oldest known …More
Oldest Audio & Video Footage of A Pope (Pope Leo XIII)
This is the oldest known footage of a Pope in existence. This film of Pope Leo XIII was created in 1896. The audio portion is the oldest known audio recording of Pope, also of Pope Leo XIII recorded in 1903. The audio is Pope Leo XIII chanting the Ave Maria in Latin.
Pope Leo XIII (2 March 1810 - 20 July 1903), born Count Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, was the 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, reigning from 1878 to 1903 in succession to Pope Pius IX. Reigning until the age of 93, he was the oldest pope, and had the third longest pontificate, behind his immediate predecessor Pius IX and John Paul II. He is known for intellectualism, the development of social teachings with his encyclical Rerum Novarum and his attempts to define the position of the Church with regard to modern thinking.