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Tedros, a WHO bűnbanda vezetője ezt mondta egy mai (2023. szeptember 6.) sajtókonferencián:
"A kórházba való beutalások és a halálozások számának növekedése azt mutatja, hogy a kovid itt van, itt marad és továbbra is szükségünk van eszközökre a leküzdéséhez."

A "The Jab - It's Poison And Will Kill You" című videó magyarul
Poornima Wagh, PhD

Mi van a vakcinákban, hogyan hat a szervezetedre, és miért kerüld el mindenáron?

18 tudós felfedi az igazságot. Megvizsgálták a vakcinák összetételét mikroszkóp alatt.

Dr. Tamasi József, Dr. Pócs Alfréd, Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsanna, és Gődény György karácsonyi üdvözlete

Interjú Ricardo Delgado Martin biostatisztikussal a Kla.tv-n

Forrás videó és a videó teljes szövege magyarul: https://www.kla.tv/24216

A tudományos kutatások és a súlyos oltási károkról szóló jelentések megerősítik a vakcinák összetevőivel kapcsolatos aggasztó felismeréseket. Interjú Ricardo Delgado Martin biostatisztikussal a Kovid vakcinákban lévő grafén-oxidról és a nanotechnológiáról. Ki rendelte el ezeknek a mérgező anyagoknak az oltóanyagba való felvételét, és mi közük van az 5G mobiltechnológiához? Talán ez után jobban megértjük az Agenda 2030-as menetrendet és a Világgazdasági Fórum tervét? ...

Az elmúlt 2,5 év alatt többet tanultam az oltásokról, mint az azt megelőző 30 évben, amíg azokról tanítottam. Nemes egyszerűséggel, ez az egész oltási-iparág egy HATALMAS CSALÁS! Vélhetően a gyógyászat minden idők legnagyobb és legveszélyesebb csalása!

Büntető-feljelentést tettek a Svájci Gyógyszerengedélyezési Hivatal
a Swissmedic-cel szemben

Az úgynevezett súlyosan veszélyes covid-injekciók (valójában génterápiák) soha nem kerülhettek volna senki számára beadásra.
Mint ismeretes az injekciózások óta csak a hivatalos USA- beli adatok szerint 32%-al nött meg a napi átlaghalálozások száma. A vakcinák által okozott úgynevezett posztvakcinázási mellékhatások száma pedig napról-napra nő, a génmódosított emberi szervezetekben csak gyarapodó tüskefehérje-termelés okán, ami az m-RNA-injekciók hatás-mechanizmusának sajátossága.
A büntető-feljelentés három fő vádpontja:
- Az injekciók ideiglenes engedélyének illegális kiadása
- A népesség megtévesztése
- A piac elégtelen felügyelete

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

A 2022. november 9-i tüntetés az oltásáldozatokért, az Újpesti Könyves Kálmán Gimnázium előtt

Hová tűnt az orvosi etika az etikai bizottságokban?
Hol van a Hippokrátészi eskü az oltóanyagban?
Hol vannak az oltásáldozatok a statisztikákban?

Dr. Tamasi József előadása az orvosi etikáról

Food, Health and Agriculture

Our nutrition determines our health because it provides the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and fibers for our organism. 90 % of the diseases are related to faulty nutrition or are triggered by certain substances in our food that are harmful to health.

The agriculture was transformed, industrialised, synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides are used. All this resulted in the decrease of vitamins and minerals in our food. At the same time chemical residues can be found in the foodchain. The combined effects of all these are unknown. Genetically modifed (GM) plants and animals have been on the market since 1990s, however, the effects of this change is not investigated, we have only indirect evidence of its harmfulness. In order to solve the accumulating problems the „Lords of the World” believe that the population needs to reduce the meat consumption and agriculture must use less energy. For the sake of „protecting our health” our eating habits should be changed just as the methods of food production.

Meat substitutes (produced by GM bacteria) are being introduced. The European Union approved the „production” of insect proteins, and it can be used as food. Artificial meat and artificial diary products turned up already on the market. In order to protect animals, the consumption of meat produced in cell cultures will dominate over the consumption of the meat of farmed animals.

Plants are grown in closed buildings, using artificial light and providing constant temperature. Saving water is also an important part of growing plants on these „horizontal farms”. The conditions are optimized for every plant grown in artificially created nutrient solutions. The crops grown using genetically optimized seeds might turn up soon on the shelves of the shops. The seasons and the weather does not have any influence on the plants grown on the horizontal farms.

A fully controllable new food chain is being created. It is not the aim to put healthy food on our tables, but to control our nutrition (or starvation) totally and make us obey.

Ivermectin: a key piece in the treatment of post-covid-19 vaccine side effects

After the massive vaccination campaigns around the world of covid-19, the effects of these experimental inoculations have begun to appear intensely and with high incidence for more than a year, increasing mortality worldwide.

These so-called vaccines do not immunize, are not necessary and are not safe, due to insufficient research on them and a high probability of their toxicity.

The COVID-19 treatment has developed a great advance in these 2 years, reaching very positive results in patients with severe covid and in patients who are victims of the secondary effects of the covid-19 vaccine.

Ivermectin is one of the key pieces in the development of effective therapy against covid 19 and in the effective therapy of side effects of the covid 19 vaccine, due to its action directly related to the inactivation of the Spike protein and its immunomodulatory action of decrease of inflammatory cytokines.

Together with ivermectin, immunostimulant complexes such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, quercetin, are contributing to the effective resolution of post-covid-19 vaccine pathologies, as well as enhancing the antioxidant action of glutathione.

We must disseminate this information to all those doctors who are unaware of effective therapies and who continue to treat most of these patients with paracetamol alone.

How to build up an alternative Hungary, between East and West

The artificially induced global crisis that started in 2020 is a part of a well-planned scenario. Those who triggered the crisis have unveiled their long-term plan, which they are pushing ahead at breakneck speed.
The unfolding scenario points towards the One World Order, with the World Government on the top.
The chaos orchestrated by its creators is aimed at a complete destruction of the framework of our lives. As a result of general robotisation mass unemployment, insecurity, food crisis, currency crisis, environmental crisis, energy crisis, epidemics, famine and the threat of war is on the horizon.
When chaos and despair will take over, attractive solutions will be offered and will be welcomed by the masses as salvation, like

synthetic foods for hunger,
the global digital currency (CBDC),
universal basic income (UBI),
you will lose your property, then become a renter (Share Economy)
full mandatory vaccinations, even for babies,
and the result of all this is population control.

If all of this plan is fulfilled, it will mean the end of a life worth to live for human beings, and indeed the end of mankind.

More and more people in the world are waking up, and formulate a common goal: the construction of a parallel society. We must build a second Hungary, because the first one has been conquered.
What to do? - this is the most "Frequently Asked Question".

The historical form of the centralised unitary state has finally come to an end.
It is time to create our own scenario. The war is being waged against Central Europe and against the human Middle, the I.

The most urgent actions we must take in the short time until the historical time-window is still open, for ourselves, for our children and for humanity are:

We need to convene roundtables, where we without parties, can finally talk about the most important issues of our lives, not about politics, so that we could be able to organize ourselves.
We must create food sovereignty, access to healthy and natural food.
we must protect cash and create our own inviolable national currency.
We must work together to achieve a long waited monetary and property reform that puts property in the hands of local communities and finally puts an end to speculation and to the rule of the banks.
We must set schools, science and medicine, and all the economy free from the control of the all-powerful state, dominated by multinationals and oligarchs.
We must create our own media.
We must restore Middle Europe and the human Middle, destroyed by two world wars and destined to be crushed finally by a new war.

Hungarian doctors also joined the Medical Crisis Declaration

Doctors around the world and in Hungary are also announcing a crisis - Medical Crisis Declaration


We, doctors and scientists from all over the world, declare that there is an INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EMERGENCY due to the illnesses and deaths associated with the use of "COVID-19 injections".

Sign the declaration: https://medicalcrisisdeclaration.com/hu/home-hungaro/


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

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