Bojan Teodosijevic

creating Bible Illustrated

  • 171 members
  • 571 posts

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The Fan
 / month
Your $2 donation really helps us bring the Bible Illustrated to finish!
  • For this patronage, you will get access to my posts where I describe little details behind my drawings.
  • You will get personalized thank you note (eventually; I generally do 1 thank you note per 4 biblical drawings).
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The Lector
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Thank you so much for having my back!
  • You will be indicated as a donor at the end of every Bible Illustrated video;
  • You get a personalized thank you note;
  • Previous reward.
The Celebrant
 / month

Thank you for your considerable contribution! You get:

  • One simple Bible drawing per month (this is generally done in Stabillo markers or pencil);

  • All the previous rewards.

The Bibliophile
 / month
Recent posts by Bojan Teodosijevic
Bojan Teodosijevic

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