Blessed Nicholas Plutzer



Born to the nobility. During a feast, Nicholas became drunk, then beligerent, and then beat up a guest. Knowing the punishment that would follow, he hid and when he thought he had been found, he pleaded for mercy and promised repentance; he then looked up to see that he had been found by a vision of Saint Norbert of Xanten who protected Nicholas by wrapping him in his cloak. Accepting the vision, Nicholas joined the Norbertines and made his vows in 1628. Canon on the Stahov monastery just outside Prague, Bohemia (in the modern Czech Republic). Novice master. Noted preacher and orator who would speak at two churches each day to large crowds. Prior of his monastery. Developed a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dean of the convent at Doksany in 1649.



  • 1654 of natural causes
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MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Nicholas Plutzer“. CatholicSaints.Info. 29 January 2022. Web. 28 April 2024. <>