Blessed Liborius Wagner

detail of a Blessed Liborius Wagner holy card, date and artist unknown; swiped from Santi e BeatiAlso known as

  • Liborio



Raised a Protestant, he studied in Mühlhausen, Leipzig, Gotha and Strasbourg, then in 1621 began studying with Jesuits in Würzburg, Germany where he converted to Catholicism. Ordained on 29 March 1625, Liborius served as chaplain in Hardheim, Germany, then as parish priest at Altenmünster, Germany a predominently Protestant city. He ministered to everyone in his city, and his example brought many Protestants to re-union with the Catholic Church. In 1631, the Protestant Swedes, fighting in the Thirty Years’ War, reached Altenmünster, and Father Liborius was forced to flee the city; he hid in Reichmannhausen, which was only couple of miles away, so he could return to minister to his parishioners. On 4 December 1631 he was betrayed, captured by the Swedes, tied behind a horse, and dragged several miles to the castle of Mainberg where he was subjected to several days of torture to force him to renounce the Catholic Church; he refused. Martyr.





Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Liborius Wagner“. CatholicSaints.Info. 1 July 2023. Web. 20 April 2024. <>