Prophetic Word – A Cautionary Word From The Lord

by 18 Feb

Prophetic Word – A Cautionary Word From The Lord


Hi 😊!


The Lord has given me this prophetic word of caution to release today. Not every prophetic word is for everyone. Always take every word you hear before Jesus and ask the Lord for confirmation. God gives us words of correction to help us on the right path. God never gives words to bring condemnation, guilt, or shame. It is out of His love that corrects and disciplines us. If you have not listened to this word yet, you can do so below:



Here is the word the Lord gave me that I read in the video:


God said: “Hear My word that I give you today My little ones. Hear the word of the Lord. Have I not spoken these things over and over to you, and yet you keep being slow to understand. Why do you challenge Me? Am I your opponent in a match? You speak with Me as if I mean you harm and am opposing you. Why do you do this? Do you not fear the Lord your God? You treat Me with contempt and disrespect. Am I only good enough for you when things go well in your life? You are quick to forget Me and run off to your own devices. What have I done to be treated thusly?


Have I not poured out My heart and love to you time and time again? Do I need to prove Myself like a man does? You are greatly mistaken if this is what you think. My rebukes and corrections are out of love. Do you not understand My ways? Like a good Father I need to discipline, how else will you know right from wrong? Do I do this for My own benefit? Do I need anything that man can give me? Oh, no child. There is nothing man can give Me that I cannot do or create for Myself. Am I not self-sufficient? Can man add to the number of My days or even count them?


From the beginning of time, I am. I am infinite and everlasting. I alone am God. So for whose benefit do I discipline then? Is it not for yours? Do I not see the traps and snares that await you on the paths you choose? If you see someone you love about to do something that will cause them harm, do you not warn and try to stop them so that they won’t get injured? Yet when I warn you, you ignore Me. When I discipline you, you rage against Me. Why? Why do you treat Me thusly?


Do you not know that I am the one who loves you completely, perfectly, infinitely? Can any human love come even close to Mine? Turn to Me! Turn from your ways. Humble your heart and you will learn My truth. Have I not spoken? Do not blame Me for the choices you make. I have given you free choice to choose for yourself. I do not force any choice on you. But know this child, take heed and warning, you will live by the consequences of your actions. So be wise in what you choose. Be wise in the way you live. Lift your eyes to Me, receive My forgiveness and turn. Will My grace not help you in all things? But you have to come to Me. I am waiting.”


Here are the scriptures the Lord gave with this word. Read them in order and ask the Holy Spirit for greater understanding:

Psalm 81:11-12, 1 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:31, Exodus 32:9, James 4:8, 2 Peter 3:14, Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 7:21


Be blessed 😊




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