Blessed Burchard I of Halberstadt

Blessed Burchard I von HalberstadtAlso known as

  • Burchard of Nabburg



Son of Henry of Schweinfurt, Margrave of Nordgau in Bavaria, Germany, and Gerberga von Henneberg, a daughter of Count Otto II. Studied at the convent school of Saint Emmeram in Regensburg, Germany. Secular politician. Chancellor to emperor Conrad II in 1032. Even working in the imperial court he was noted for his personal piety and his good example of a Christian in the world. Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany in 1036. Improved housing for clerics, built chapels, churches and monasteries. Accompanied Conrad II on his Italian campaign in 1038 to 1039. Worked with and supported emperor Henry III. Worked to defuse political tensions within the Church hierarchy.




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MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Burchard I of Halberstadt“. CatholicSaints.Info. 5 April 2022. Web. 7 June 2024. <>