Saint Martial of Limoges

painting of Saint Martial of Limoges by Juan de Miranda, 1787, Cathedral of Saint Anne, Las Palmas, Gran Canary, Spain; swiped from Santi e BeatiAlso known as

  • Marcial
  • Martialis
  • Marcialis



Missionary bishop who was sent with Saint Denis of Paris to evangelize Gaul (modern France), and who settled on Limoges as his see city. Spiritual teacher of Saint Valeria and Saint Aurelian of Limoges. Worked with Saint Alpinian of Limoges and Saint Austriclinian of Limoges.

Legends arose in the Middle Ages that described him as a friend of Jesus, and a worker of extravagant miracles, who was dispatched to Gaul by Saint Peter the Apostle. Good story, but about two centuries off the mark.



MLA Citation

  • “Saint Martial of Limoges“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 January 2024. Web. 23 April 2024. <>