Saint Julian of Le Mans

detail of a stained glass window of Saint Julian of Le Mans; date and artist unknown; church of Saint-Pierre de Chevaigné, France; photographed on 14 September 2013 by GO69; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsMemorial


Born to the Roman nobility. First bishop of Cenomanum (modern Le Mans, France). Evangelized around Le Mans, an area under the influence of the old Roman pantheon and the Druids. When he felt he was growing too old to effectively discharge his office, he retired to live as a hermit at Sarthe. Many extravagant miracles were attributed to him by writers long after his death. Due to the Norman invasions, his name was carried to several parishes in England.




Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Julian of Le Mans“. CatholicSaints.Info. 19 January 2024. Web. 6 June 2024. <>