Trojan Horse Sabotage of LNP-GO in COVID mRNA Vaccines: Dr. Antoinetta Gatti Explains Nanoparticles Inside Cells Destroy the Innate Defense Mechanism of Cells & Cause Blood Clots

Report & Video Link | Ramola D | September 7, 2021

Screenshot, How mRNA enters cells on the backs of LNP liposomes, Planet Lockdown interview video

Dr. Antonietta Gatti who made world headlines with her exposes of nanopathology and nanotoxicology–the poisons of nanoparticles in vaccines on which she published, along with co-researcher Dr. Stefano Montanari in a groundbreaking paper “New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination​” in 2017 after which her labs were raided and her equipment and notebooks stolen by police, describes here in this recent Planet Lockdown interview that lipid nanoparticles (loaded with graphene) act like Trojan Horses and destroy the innate defense mechanism of cells.

Excerpt, Nanometallics identified in Pfizer Pneumonia and Meningitis Vaccines, New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination​, 2017
Excerpt, Nanometallics found in Sanofi-Pasteur Flu and Gardasil and Tetanus vaccines, New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination​, 2017

While she herself has been unable to access sealed vials of the mRNA vaccines to study their contents further, which she says may be something only a court could order Universities to do succeeding the death of someone vaccinated, and while she currently has not examined the blood of people who are vaccinated, she reports she has previously examined the blood of a patient with leukaemia (reported in two papers) and found an excessive amount of foreign bodies including nanoparticles inside the cells, which she says is a contributor to the contamination and death of the cell: in this context, it is possible gene-therapy in cancer treatments which has been using nano drivers such as lipid nanoparticles as mRNA delivery mechanisms could account for this excess.

Injecting foreign mRNA into cells is not normal, she notes, and it is only through nanodrivers such as the lipids and possibly the now-discovered nano graphene that mRNA, foreign to the innate functioning of the cell, can be forced past cellular membranes into cells.

In a chart depicting the effects of nanoparticles (such as ferrous oxide, barium-sulphate, bismuth) she shows that these particles would contaminate cells. “Many cancers can be triggered,” she says, by nanoparticles injected into cells where there is a possibility to go inside the cell and trigger adverse nanobioreactions.”

Speaking of the difference between inhaled and injected nanoparticles, she says the latter ensures speedier global circulation through the blood and translocates to all organs faster.

Inhaling nanoparticles is filtered more slowly through lung, blood system, liver, kidneys/Screenshot: Dr. Gatti’s chart
Inhaling nanoparticles is filtered more slowly through lung, blood system, liver, kidneys/Screenshot: Dr. Gatti’s chart

When nanoparticles are inhaled through aerosols they go through the lungs into the blood circulation system and have the possibility of being filtered by the liver and kidney, she explains. Not so with vaccines injected into muscles: nanoparticles in the vaccine enter the blood at speed and spread all over the body at speed; the possibility therefore of seeing adverse reactions and side effects “in a very short time” is much higher.

This is indeed the case it appears as reports of adverse reactions, 50% of them extreme–such as convulsions, strokes, paralysis–in a very short time after administration of the COVID vaccines are filling the VAERS (vaccine adverse reactions) databases in the US, UK, EU, as well as being recorded on film and shared on social media–Tik Tok, Telegram–worldwide.

Do Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccines: Reports & Videos of Convulsions, Seizures, Palsy, Death Are Increasing/Ramola D/Feb 4, 2021

Forget Everything Else! Look at THE VAER’s NUMBERS on Injuries and Deaths!/Dr. Robert Young, August 17, 2021

Thrombosis–Blood Clots–May Be the Key to Verifying the Trojan Horse Sabotage of LNP-GO (Lipid Nano Particles–with Graphene Oxide)

Dr. Gatti also explains thrombosis post contamination, and says that the body tends to cause thrombosis–blood clots–with the introduction of any foreign body.

So it is very easy to determine the cause of thrombosis at any time, she suggests; all that is needed is to put the thrombosis–the tangle of foreign bodies, fibrin–blood clot material, and plasma–under a microscope and determine the cause.

Markers of nanoparticles causing thrombosis findable in blood microscopy/Screenshot: Dr. Gatti’s chart, Planet Lockdown interview

Regrettably, efforts she has made to secure the blood samples of the deceased post vaccination have proved unfruitful she reports; she was actually told “it was better not to look at the causes too closely”.

Dr. Young’s New Micrographs showing Graphene Oxide and Nanotubes in the Clotted Blood of the COVID-Vaccinated

This is precisely however what other scientists are also investigating worldwide currently. Dr. Robert Young who recently reported his own work in blood microscopy and the work of several scientists who found graphene oxide, stainless steel, bismuth, cadmium selenide and other contaminants in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines is an expert in blood microscopy and has now published several new images of micrographs of the blood of the vaccinated. These show carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide in the vicinity of damaged and clotted blood cells. It appears from these findings the graphene and carbon nanotubes are causing direct damage to the cells.

Dr. Young has also spoken and written extensively on the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity caused to cells by other nanotechnology–including aluminium oxide and iron oxide, pointing to various studies on this subject, and revealed that nanotoxins have been included in flu and other vaccines for at least five years now (a subject to be more fully covered here shortly).

Thrombosis of the blood may be the key to establishing the Trojan Horse sabotage of the LNP-GO in all the COVID mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Charles Hoffe, acting on Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s advice has been running D-Dimer tests on his vaccinated patients’ blood and found blood clots or microthrombosis in a majority of the cases, reported here earlier. Dr. Hoffe has reported that 40 trillion mRNA molecules are carried inside a single Moderna dose, and the majority of these when injected enter the blood capillary system all around the body (listen to the video snippet where he describes this clearly, included in the article) and cause spike protein creation all over the body: Dr. Bhakdi and he have attributed the blood clotting to the spike protein creation. Damaged tissue due to thrombosis in organs causes permanent damage (to those organs which cannot regenerate tissue such as heart, brain, spinal cord, lungs), he says.

Dr. Hoffe has passionately called for a halt to the vaccines, writing to the Provincial Health Officer in British Columbia (letter in article), and his information and letter must continue to be shared widely. Health Departments worldwide cannot be permitted to ignore such necessary and lifesaving information.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has spoken extensively of thrombosis due to spike proteins, describing how the mRNA and viral-vector vaccines are therefore acting as a neuro bioweapon, reported here earlier.

Dr. Gatti’s educative interview and chart can be viewed here:

The highly educative and informative Planet Lockdown interviews can be found here.

Please share this article and information widely. Repost anywhere with attribution and linkback.


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