Saint Abundantia of Spoleto



Born to parents who had nearly given up on having children. Educated by the abbot of Saint Mark’s Abbey in Spoleto, Italy. Pilgrim to the Holy Lands. Lived five years as a hermitess in the cave of Saint Onuphrius. She then returned to Spoleto to be with her family, especially her father who had repeatedly asked her to come home. When her father died, Abundantia spent her inheritance in caring for the poor. Known for her ability to heal by prayer.

Quite a few stories grew up around her, including

  • all the bells in Spoleto began spontaneously ringing at her birth
  • when she was taken to be baptized, all the lamps and candles in the church lit themselves
  • one winter day when she was about eight years old she saw a painting of Mary and the Infant Jesus; Christ was holding a golden apple; Abundantia really wanted that apple; Jesus reached out the painting to give it to her
  • she was so excited with the apple that she ran out into the snow to pick Jesus a bouquet in return; she found flowers everywhere and brought them into the church
  • at the moment of her death, the bells of Spoleto again began to spontaneously ring
  • as her funeral procession passed along the streets, plants would suddenly sprout leaves and flowers
  • her funeral procession was accompanied by the sound of angels singing Veni sponsa Christi





MLA Citation

  • “Saint Abundantia of Spoleto“. CatholicSaints.Info. 4 June 2022. Web. 23 April 2024. <>