Blessed Vilmos Apor

Blessed Vilmos Apor, c.1930Also known as

  • Vilhelm Apor
  • Gulielmus Apor
  • William Apor



Born to the Hungarian nobility. Ordained on 24 August 1915. Chosen bishop of Gyõr, Hungary on 21 January 1941 by Pope Pius XII. Conventual chaplain ad honorem of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Known for his hard work, his efforts for social justice, his support of the poor, his protection of the weak. Provided emergency supplies to Jews being deported through his town. Sheltered those made homeless by air raids. Hid and protected women from brutalities of Russian soldiers who were closing in on Germany at the end of World War II. Shot on a Good Friday by a drunken Red Army officer who was chasing women who had fled to bishop Vilmos for protection; he died three days later.





Additional Information


The Cross strengthens the weak, it curbs the powerful. – episcopal motto of Blessed Vilmos

The intimate sharing in the mystery of Christ, the new and perfect Temple in whom full communion between God and man is realized (cf. John 2:21), shines forth in the pastoral service of Blessed Vilmos Apor, whose life was crowned with martyrdom. He was the “parish priest of the poor”, a ministry which he continued as a Bishop during the dark years of the Second World War, working as a generous benefactor of the needy and the defender of the persecuted. He was not afraid to raise his voice to censure, on the basis of Gospel principles, the injustices and abuses of power towards minorities, especially towards the Jewish community. In the image of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (cf. John 10:11), the new blessed lived his fidelity to the paschal mystery, ultimately making the supreme sacrifice of his own life. His murder occurred precisely on Good Friday: he was shot to death while defending his flock. Through his martyrdom he thus experienced his own Passover, passing from the heroic witness of love for Christ and of solidarity with his brothers and sisters to the crown of glory promised to faithful servants. The heroic witness of Bishop Vilmos Apor honours the history of the noble Hungarian nation and is held up today for the admiration of the whole Church. May it encourage believers to follow Christ in their lives without hesitation. This is the holiness to which all the baptized are called! – from the beatification homily by Pope John Paul II, 9 November 1997

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Vilmos Apor“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 April 2024. Web. 1 May 2024. <>