Saint Aichardus of Jumièges

Also known as

  • Achard
  • Achart
  • Aicard
  • Aichard
  • Acardo
  • Aicardo



Son of a military officer in the court of King Clotaire II. Educated at a monastery in Poitiers, France. Destined by his father for the military, Aichardus felt a call to the religious life. His mother convinced the rest of the family to give him a choice, and he became a monk at Saint Jouin abbey, Ansion, Poitou (in modern France) for 39 years. Prior of Jumièges Abbey. Abbot of Jumièges, a house with 900 monks where his strict personal observance of the Order‘s rule set an example that rippled through the rest of the house.





Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Aichardus of Jumièges“. CatholicSaints.Info. 8 February 2022. Web. 3 June 2024. <>