Saint Julian of Toledo

detail of a portrait of Saint Julian of Toledo; by Juan de Borgona, 16th century; Sala Capitular, Cathedral of Toledo, Spain; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsMemorial


Parents may have been Jewish, but Julian was raised Christian. Well educated at the local cathedral school. Monk at Agali, Spain. Spiritual student of Saint Eugene II, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain. Abbot at Agali. Archbishop of Toledo in 680. First bishop with primacy over the entire Iberian peninsula, and helped centralize the Spanish Church in Toledo. Presided over several councils and synods. Revised the Mozarbic liturgy. Voluminous writer whose works include Prognostics, a volume on death, and a biography of Visigoth King Wamba. An odd mixture, he was known as a kind and gentle man – but encouraged Spanish kings to deal harshly with Jews.




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MLA Citation

  • “Saint Julian of Toledo“. CatholicSaints.Info. 5 January 2023. Web. 26 April 2024. <>