Saint Marius of Bodon

Also known as

  • Maire
  • Marino
  • Mario
  • Mary
  • Maurus
  • May
  • Mere



Monk. Founder of Bodon abbey at La-Val-Benois, diocese of Sisteron, France c.506, and served as its first abbot. Pilgrim to the tomb of Saint Martin of Tours. Pilgrim to the tomb of Saint Dionysius near Paris, France. There he became sick, but was restored to health by an apparition of Saint Dionysius. During a Lenten retreat, Marius received a prophetic vision of barbarian invasion of the region, and the destruction of his monastery. The village of Saint-May is named in his honour, and the first biography of the saint was written by one of his spiritual students, Bishop Lucretius of Die, France.




Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Marius of Bodon“. CatholicSaints.Info. 24 May 2020. Web. 6 June 2024. <>