Blessed Benvenuto Mareni

Also known as

  • Benventuto of Recanati
  • Benevenutus…
  • Benvenutus…
  • Benvenute…



13th-century Franciscan Conventual lay brother in Recanati, Italy. Worked at his monastery as a cook, and spent his free time in prayer. During prayer and Mass he would lapse into ecstacies and receive visions; during one vision he was allowed to hold the Infant Christ. Legend says that once when a trance lasted so long that he was late to his work in the kitchen, he found an angel there already cooking.




Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Benvenuto Mareni“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 May 2024. Web. 5 June 2024. <>